Is it true that for every living being, there's always a resonant frequency counterpart?

2007-05-25 12:07 am

回答 (10)

2007-05-25 12:20 am
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Yes, it is. It is always action/reaction, cause/effect. In the more spiritual realm yin/yang, karma etc. But yes, every living being does have a resonant frequency counterpart. It is humbling and awe-inspiring at the same time, isn't it?

One useful viewpoint of reality is that there is no separation in the universe, it all exists in one tiny point. In that common existence point, there are energy design patterns. Design patterns defined as spatial form, such as a "triangle", create what is perceived as "space" and the contents of space, through their conglomerate activity. Patterns of process sequence are similarly perceived as "the flow of time." The more locally concentrated a group of energy patterns become, the more "physical" it appears to be.

Energy patterns can be superimposed on other energy patterns, such as appearing as patterns stuck in a certain space such as a room; and stuck on a physical movable item such as a chair or a person.

In the more individual and romantic sense, that is where the terms "becoming one", "my better half" are coming from.

Hope this helps.
參考:, ,
2007-05-25 12:11 am
I do believe that there is someone for everyone. I have several friends that have met people on They are very happy.
2007-05-25 12:11 am
2007-05-25 12:11 am
Yes, the midichlorians connect every living being to the greater force that binds us to the universe.
2007-05-25 12:10 am
2007-05-25 12:18 am
Undetermined. I doubt there is someone for everyone. As much as people want to believe many people never have a real long term relationship in there whole lives. Some don't want a relationship. So the answers is no. As much as people want to believe it it is not true. Maybe in fairytale that many live in, but not in real world. Alot of people are stuck in some kind of gooshy world where every one can love and everyone has some good in them. It would be nice if that was true.
2007-05-25 12:39 am
Frequency relates to the motion of a mass which forms an osciliatory displacement of space for a fixed period of time in local space.
If another mass moves with the same period the energy resulting form the motion is in synch. this is was is called resonance.
So when two people are pushing to do work if one aid the other and not bucking each other the energy produced is in an additive mode.that is resonance.
2007-05-25 12:19 am
No, there are plenty of screwed up loners and losers that there is no one for.
2007-05-25 12:13 am
Definition? Evidence?
2007-05-25 12:11 am
i believe so i didnt come up with the formula

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