Bush / WMD / Iraq / lies...?

2007-05-24 9:27 pm
To the people who support Bush and say he didn't know.. have you ever read the Downing Street Memos?

If not read this:


How can you just blindly listen to the President and not look the facts/proof out there? When did you become so brain washed by a person and forget to figure things out on your own?

Also you can call me a liberal or whatever you want, and honestly I don't care. I'm in the middle and like/dislike things both sides do and do not do.

Truth B. Told - what exactly does that prove? That a lot of people either lied or were mislead?

回答 (11)

2007-05-24 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Truth of the matter is I would rather deal with a Liberal, they at least stick to their ideology.

15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Rev 3:15-16 (KJV)
2007-05-24 9:34 pm
2007-05-24 9:43 pm
That means all your liberal buddies lied Jimmy Carter Al Gore Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton John Murtha John Edwards John Kerry you heroes.
2007-05-24 9:38 pm

Didn't Clinton said "I did not have sex with that Woman" on the national TV? Then Cigar and stained dress happened...

That's worse than not-so-accurate report from CIA/DIA/FBI, wasn't it?

Perhaps you should find what Nancy said in the congress back in 2002... :)
2007-05-24 9:38 pm
After you get past the emotion you feel for why you believe Bush invaded Iraq, then you would understand why many of us are happy we invaded.

Some of us are result orientated. We leave emotion out of our decision making.

Even if Bush invaded Iraq for a personal vendetta or for personal gain, is there no dispute that the invasion changed Middle Eastern opinion of the United States from Hatred and Weakness to Hatred and Respect?
2007-05-24 9:36 pm
The President was given intel from the CIA, he acted upon that intel. Congress, made up of Rep's and Dem's voted for this war. Serin gas was found. That is a biological nerve agent,also classified as a WMD.
2007-05-24 9:35 pm
I'll read yours if you read mine!

I read yours...mine proves it to be cherry picked and incomplete as well as parts of it are all out lies.....the page you provided is completely destroyed by the page I have provided.
wikipedia is not a reliable source because it is created by the reader's and user's of the site.

OK, I read yours and find it to be incomplete...read mine and prove it wrong if you can.
2007-05-24 9:49 pm
He had faulty intelligence, he exaggerated the facts...

If he truly fabricated the whole justification, don't you think the Democrats would have strung him up by now?

Whatever, he was not the only one that looked at the intelligence and came to his conclusion. This debate is important in concern to the justification the US uses to become involved in future conflicts, but in reference to the current status of Iraq and our current involvement it is useless...

We are here now.

Knowing how we got here will help us not to end up in the same place again...

But it will not show us the way out.

Leaving an Iraqi government that will quickly topple will yield the same or worse result as when the world left Afghanistan in chaos in 1989.
2016-11-05 6:44 pm
the internet nonetheless shows photos of long, suspicious convoys racing out of Iraq into Syria. needless to say Saddam replaced into no longer transport out a 40 truck convoy into the Syrian barren area to cover his super china. those photos have been basic: the Iraqi military despatched a extensive line of vehicles into Syria suited before our invasion. What have been they hiding? Saddam's huge porn series? 40 vehicles of it? Nope. right here is a few thing very suspicious: while the rotten witch Nancy Pelosi replaced into named Speaker of the abode, her first act replaced into confusing to declare the least: she and a few people who have not got any corporation doing so raced..... to Syria! Did you in basic terms placed 2 & 2 mutually? I speculate that the traitorous Pelosi raced there to make a take care of the Syrians: in no way disclose what Saddam hid on your usa, shop it hidden, and we Democrats will delicate ball you at each and every turn. Even fool Libbys might desire to comprehend that Saddam did no longer take the easy step of liberating a catalogue to the U.N. inspectors because of the fact none existed. He refused to do away along with his weapons, till the invasion replaced into coming near near. Then he stashed them in the Syrian barren area, and was hoping Bush Jr. might do what Bush Sr. did: pass away right now. Then Saddam might nonetheless be totally in potential, and might desire to proceed being the Butcher of Baghdad.
2007-05-24 9:31 pm
They're still duped

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