What in the world is PayPal on ebay and how does it work?

2007-05-24 3:59 pm
im trying to purchase somethings on ebay (im new to ebay) and i come across on several items that the only method of payment is paypal...or something like that...after registering on t ebay do i have to do something else with the paypal thing? and how would i use it to purchase things...THANKS TO ALL!

another question...is there a fee for this thing?


can i later delete and/or change my bank account/credit card from my paypal account or does it stay on it forever?

回答 (6)

2007-05-24 4:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Go to paypal.com or click on a link from e-bay and register. You'll have to set up a username and password and enter your checking account or credit card number. Paypal is secure. If you think you'll use e-bay a lot then definitely set up a paypal account. It makes it so much easier to do transactions on e-bay. Otherwise, you have to get a money order and mail it to the seller and that makes it take longer for you to get your item. How you use it is, when you win an auction on e-bay and you go to checkout there will be a button that says pay with paypal or something like that. You click on that and the transaction will go through paypal and paypal will take the money out of your checking acct. or credit card depending on what you registered with them. It's really easy.
2007-05-24 9:37 pm
Paypal is an electronic payment system affiliate with ebay. You need to have a checking account or a credit card in order to register with paypal. After you submitted all your info to paypal, they will deposit 2 amount to your checking account for verification purposes. Once your paypal account becomes active, you might also need to verify your email and your address. Paypal will send you reminder and instruction to walk you through the process. You are able to edit, change or delete your payment and personal information. Hope this helps!
2007-05-24 4:09 pm
Paypal is an online payment system that allows sellers and buyers to conduct business without having to have merchant accounts with credit card companies.

The way it works is your sign up with PayPal and provide them with your banking information. They will make a 1-4 cent transaction to verify the account you set up.

Then you can simply send/receive money via Paypal simply using your email address.

There are no fees for buyers, but sellers (those receiving the money) usually pay a fee.
2007-05-24 4:08 pm
Paypal is an internet based payment program that you set up an account and link it to your bank account. Once you have that set up, its a trusted third party to pay through, and you can use it in conjunction with either a bank funds transfer, or with a credit card to purchase items.

2007-05-24 4:07 pm
Paypal is an instant online banking. It is connected thru your bank or credit cards. So when you purchase something you can pay it instantly. Alot of the time you can keep cash in your paypal account as well then later transfer to your bank. Paypal is used in the majority of online stores.
2007-05-24 4:07 pm
Paypal is a service owned by ebay. You need to register with Paypal, but it is free for buys (not sellers).

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