
2007-05-25 7:25 am




回答 (2)

2007-05-25 9:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 香港既大學有law degree既包括: hku, 中大, 及 city u. 外國既大學就好多間都有. 要在first degree讀law既主要為英國; 因為美國、加拿大及澳洲雖然有law讀, 但要先讀左另一個first degree然後才可以轉入law school.

2) 讀law無話中學一定讀邊幾科, 你可以讀文, 理或商科都無問題, 但成績既分數一定要好, 尤其英文, 因為英文好似係 triple count. 所以英文基礎一定要好穩固.

3) 香港來講, 當然讀hku最好; 中大係新開, 所以有人稱為"開荒牛", 不過應該個course都唔錯既; city u 既course就比較practical d, 但在employer眼中, hku就係hku, city u就係city u... 如果可以去外國讀既, 就當然會比較好, 因為搵到工既機會都比較多, 不過成本/生活費/學費等就好貴啦...

4) 讀law無指明要邊幾科a, 如果英文a就最好啦, 好大幫助. 中文都需要高分(起碼有 c以上). 其餘學科既就要參考jupas既"海鮮價", 因為年年唔同, 不過當然 alevel拿到越多越好啦.

希望答到你的問題 ^^
參考: 個人經驗
2007-05-27 7:09 am
I do not recommend AL leavers to study law at undergrad level. It is more suitable to study law postgrad. You can see that nearly all countries over the world (save and except Mainland China and UK) e.g. USA, Canada, Australia law can only be done at a postgrad law school. The reason is very simple. For example, in the US, American attorneys are working in wide areas, e.g. patent agents which needs dual qualifications in engineering/biotechnology and law, world trade analysts which needs dual qualifications in economics and international economic law, politicans (they usually have dual qualifications in Government and Law, e.g. Bill Clinton), high tech lawyer (computer science/electronics and law).....

I have no idea with HKU or CU. But CityU Law School is very famous in Chinese and Comparative Law, and International Economic Law as well as international arbitration. Each year the CityU Law School attracts large no. of mainland and overseas students (around 130) to study at the School. It seems the HKU and CUHK are still unable (or have no such good reputation) to attract such large no. of mainland and foreign law students.

Other than the Law Schools of HKU, CityU or Chinese U Law, you can study at the HKU SPACE for a London U external LLB (Hon) or at the OUHK LiPACE for a Nottingham Trent University external LLB (Hon).

Alternatively, you can study for a first degree, e.g. in English Language Studies, or a combined degree, e.g. Economics and Law, then read for a London U Post-Graduate LLB (9 papers, 2 years full-time or 3 years part-time) or the Manchester Metro U CPE (2 years part-time or 1 year full-time) and the optional top-up LLB (1 year part-time).You may also consider studying for a full-time (2-year) or part-time (3-4 years) Juris Doctor (JD) degree at CityU or CU after the first degree.
比起其他科,law並不容易讀 in particular the Post-graduate Certificate in Laws (P.C.LL.)。不過就算讀 law 都可以從商,除了極少數商科專業,如financial engineering,其他商業都沒有很嚴格的本科要求。據我所知會計big four,顧問公司如 Boston Consulting Group, Government jobs 或 Commercial Bank 等 (But Investment Bank is very very difficult to get in),都會接受各科學生。雖然話讀 law 都可以從商,不過如果沒決心,又何必lor苦黎辛。
一D大型 local law firms (eg. Deacons, JSM) 或 者鬼老 "Magic Circle" (eg Richards Butler, Clifford Chance, Freshfields, Lovells, Allen & Overy), 佢地其實好少好少收英文唔係母語又冇大陸高幹背景嘅 local LL.B. 畢業生, 有時甚至一年 in-take 十幾個trainees 之中都冇一個係純 HK 仔, 除非你真係好多科A. 佢地基本上係講緊要請Oxford, Cambridge 或者Columbia, Harvard, Standford, Yale 留學生, 一係你就HKU top student. 如果你想因為讀 CityU 而入行做 Corporate Finance Team, your dad must be a listed co. chairman, 否則就不如死心吧.
For barrister route, if your mother tongue is English and you have good connections, you should be able to earn big bucks for big cases, however, it may take you many years before your business get on track. As barrister, there is no fixed income and you have to pay the chamber fees. However, this route is very competitive and the work life is not as rosy as you think.
基本上呢班Law School畢業生最後都會揾到工, 但唔係轉咗做會計財務,就係係果D 人工非常非常奀的中國人law firm. 反而會計 Big 4 唔難入, 好多成績好好嘅Law友讀完PCLL或做完trainee solicitor or bar pupil 之後都死死地去讀MAcc / Post-graduate Diploma in Accountancy,考HKICPA QP 或大陸CPA 搏入big 4,因為做会計師收入比做law友多好幾倍,揀law讀之前要唸清楚,而家law graduates比市場實際需要多出十倍 (但會計就工揾人),除非你老豆同D corporate finance lawyer 或者D大孖沙 好熟,肯定入到Richard Butlers or Allen & Overy咁就唔同,做細行general practice 好有經驗一个月都未必揾到$6,000-7,000,你一定後悔,徐非你對law好有興趣,唸住做PhD in law 咁又唔同睇法。

而家己经好少聽到 Law School畢業生打算 end up as a solicitor or barrister,近年大部份法律畢業生都在商界工作,例如城大 LL.M.(法学碩士) in International Economic Law 咁 130 个学生,除了個別几个外,絕大部份学生都在或打算左商界工作,只有个別几个在律師樓做,其他院校 D LL.M. e.g. in Corporate and Financial Law, Intellectual Property Law 情况亦是如此,

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