做公司秘書(Company Secretary)要附合甚麼資格?

2007-05-25 7:09 am
做公司秘書(Company Secretary)要附合甚麼資格?

本人剛完成Corporate Admin. & Systems的高級文憑課程;之後要甚樣做?

回答 (3)

2007-05-28 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
A company secretary is not a secretary that deals with admin work or serving the boss.

In order to be a chartered secretary, you need to be a degreeholder, pass all 8 exams from the HKICS, have 3yrs (full time degreeholder) or 6 yrs (part time degreeholder) of com sec experience.

Listed company usually won't hire company secretarial assistant with no experience, so you should try to apply for CPA firm or Law firm post first, and then change to listed co.

The company secretary of a listed company must be either a chartered secretary, a qualified accountant, or a qualified lawyer.

Getting a degree is the most important thing for you, as it is the HKICS requirement for being their student member and to take their professional exams.
參考: my experience, http://www.hkics.org.hk
2007-05-25 9:25 am
做公司秘書(Company Secretary)要附合甚麼資格?

The office title refers to a person who performs routine administrative, or personal tasks for a superior. These office employees perform duties such as word processing, bookkeeping, file and record keeping, and scheduling for a manager or executive. They usually work at desks with personal computers in business offices.

Secretarial jobs are popular as they require few formal qualifications yet can be skilled jobs:

At the most basic level a secretary may need only a good command of the prevailing office language and the ability to type, and may spend a large part of his or her time filing and fetching papers (or the equivalent regarding electronic files and database information) or answering telephones.

A more skilled secretary may be required to take dictation by writing in shorthand at spoken-language rates, type at high speeds using technical or foreign languages, organise diaries, itineraries and meetings and carry out administrative duties which may include accountancy. An executive secretary may also control access to a manager, thus becoming an influential and trusted aide.

Interaction with the general public varies from none to extensive (especially in smaller offices, where they may also work as receptionists. In the modern offices those whose work entails customer service requests are often called "customer service representatives". They are distinct from those called "secretaries" because the scope of their work is smaller. A large urban supermarket, for example, will have a separate office staff in addition to checkout staff, with the latter usually only handling their own receipts for that day's sales while the office staff must reconcile all accounts daily.

it depends on the size of the company~

本人剛完成Corporate Admin. & Systems的高級文憑課程;之後要甚樣做?

experience is what u need the most!! even receptionists or administrative assistant, just go for it~

In business administration many job descriptions overlap. A secretary in one company might be called an administrative assistant in another. However, while administrative assistant is a generic term, not necessarily implying directly working for a superior, a secretary is usually a personal assistant to a manager or executive. Other titles describing jobs similar to or overlapping those of the traditional secretary are office coordinator, executive assistant, office manager and administrative professional.
2007-05-25 7:18 am






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