請help to translate 成英文

2007-05-25 6:39 am
1) 同佢保持距離.
2) 佢講人是非.
3) 走咗班巴士

回答 (4)

2007-05-25 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Keep a distance from him, or her. ( Stay away from that person)
2) He or she is gossiping. (Spreading rumours)
3) The Bus has left. (This bus was missed)
2007-05-26 10:59 am
1) to keep a distance between we two/(someone and someone, eg. between he and I)
2) he/she talks behind others'/(someone's) back
3) missed the bus/ the bus has gone
2007-05-25 6:47 am
1) Keep a distance from him/her
2) He/She gossips
3) A group of bus just left
參考: me
2007-05-25 6:47 am
1. keep distance from him/her

2. he/she always keep gossiping with others

3. miss the bus

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