translate to english thank!!ss

2007-05-25 4:26 am
Higgins 同Doolittle 係度好多表情同動作再走來走去...一開始好嬲,好激動,慢慢就坐返低心平氣和禁講野..=.=

e句英文點講\\~thankyou! 最好多formal

回答 (4)

2007-05-25 6:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Higgins 同Doolittle 係度好多表情同動作再走來走去...一開始好嬲,好激動,慢慢就坐返低心平氣和禁講野
Higgins and Doolittle walking back and forth with some funny faces, they were mad & excited in the begining, but they had calmed down & talk to each other peacefully afterward.
參考: SELF
2007-05-25 7:08 am
Higgins and Doolittle wore many expressions and wandered. They were very angry and irate at the beginning, they gradually sat down and talked peacefully.

Hope this helps.
2007-05-25 4:38 am
Higgins 同Doolittle 係度好多表情同動作再走來走去...

Higgins and Doolittle were rich in expression and movement. And, they walked forward and backward.


At the beginning, they were very angry and agitated. Gradually they calmed down and talked gently.

2007-05-25 4:35 am
Higgins and Doolittle are walking to & fro (走來走去) with many facial expression and action. In the beginning, they are very angry and agitated (激動的). Later on, they sit down & speak in a rather moderate (平和的) manner (態度).

2007-05-27 21:48:15 補充:
Some tense problems herein, eg. walking/ had calmed down/ & talk. All are not identical ( 不一致的?!).

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