唔知應該點答, 有沒有人可以幫手? 謝謝!

2007-05-25 3:44 am
Interview both a toutor and a foreign teacher about their
daily or weekly schedules. The interview must be 10 or
more questions .Write down their answers and then write
two paragraphs. You need to introduce the person and
then write about their schedule.

謝謝幫忙!! 那麼請問第5項的意思是不是按參考 再用toutor的身份用同樣方式做一次便可完成??? 候 覆! 再次謝謝幫忙!

回答 (1)

2007-05-25 10:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need to
1. Talk to a foreign teacher, ask him at least 10 questions about his schedule.
2. Write down your questions and his answers, then combine the answers to form two paragraphs.
3. Ues information from the answers, write a passage as an introduction to that person.
4. Write a passage about their schedule.
5. Do the same for a tutor.

Some questions you can ask:
1. What time do you get up in the morning?
2. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
3. Do you eat any breakfast?
4. What time do you take lunch?
5. Do you watch TV in the evenings?
6. what time do you go to bed?
7. How often do you go online/use computer?
8. Usually when do you have dinner?
9. When are your classes?
10. Do you have to spend much time preparing for the classes?
11. When do you do the preparation for the classes?

And your 2 paragraphs could be something like:

Mr. Ellis likes to wake up early in the morning, around 6am. He usually goes jogging for an hour, then has breakfast before sitting down to read the newspaper and check his emails.... He goes with his friends for happy hours after work...
.... Mr. Ellis enjoys reading some books before going to sleep at around 10pm.

or if it's weekly schedule:
Mr. Alfan has classes on Monday to Thursday. On those days he will wake up at around 7am to go to classes.... On Fridays he like to go to the movie theaters so he can avoid the crowd. Sunday is his favorite day, as he can spend the whole day with his girlfriend. They usually like to go to the beach or go hiking...

2007-05-28 23:17:50 補充:
yes, you understand correctly, do the same for the tutor.

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