F.2 english can you help me ?

2007-05-25 3:40 am
trains became an ordinary form of transport in the middle of the nineteenth centry.In (those days,) travelling by train was not always comfortable or safe.The drives used to burn coal for fuel .There were quite many accidents because train drives could not always stop the train when (they) wanted to.
what do these words refer to?
4.In (those days), traveling by train..
5....stop the trains when (they) wantes to.

回答 (3)

2007-05-25 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
4." those days "係指" the middle of the nineteenth centry "...
因為," In those days "通常一個phrase咁用既,
而" In those days "係解"在那些日子"...
" In those days, travelling by train was not always comfortable or safe "呢句既完整意思係::
而呢一句之前講左:" Trains became an ordinary form of transport in the middle of the nineteenth centry. "這一句話,
表明左篇文係發生係" nineteenth centry "既...
所以"those days"係指" the middle of the nineteenth centry "啦...
[" those days "指咩時候係可以睇下上文提及左咩時間黎定嫁*]

5." they "係指" train drivers "...
" they "係一個pronoun(代名詞),
成句係" There were quite many accidents because train drives could not always stop the train when (they) wanted to. "
所以" they "係指" train drivers ".

參考: ME
2007-05-25 4:26 am
those days ---> the middle of the nineteenth century
they ---> train drivers
參考: Me
2007-05-25 3:43 am
"those days" refer to "the nineteenth century"

"they" refer to the "train drivers"

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