Made it that OR Made that

2007-05-25 2:19 am
Tolkien made it that even Elrond cannot completely heal Frodo's wound inflicted at Weathertop.


Tolkien made that even Elrond cannot completely heal Frodo's wound inflicted at Weathertop.

Which one is correct?

回答 (2)

2007-05-25 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
make 係及物動詞,如果 that... 係,咁點解 it 唔係?

其實 that clause (即 that even Elrond cannot completely heal Frodo's wound inflicted at Weathertop) 係講左 Tolkien 佢點樣安排(make)劇情,即解釋 it 係乜野。所以 Tolkien made it that ... 正確。

2007-05-24 22:24:32 補充:
情況就如: I told him that his girlfriend cannot come here.同埋,make 都可以係「雙及物動詞」,如: I made him a cake.
2007-05-25 3:31 am
The latter, made that, is correct.
make 係一單及物動詞, 所以後面只會跟一個object.
即係make that 入面既that就係object.
如果係make it that 既話, 咁咪有兩個objects ( it 同埋 that )


I give him a book.
him 同埋 a book都係objects, 而且都係跟住give, 所以give係雙及物動詞.

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