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At seventeen she felt herself to be called by God to some unnamed great cause.
在她十七歲時, 她覺得自己被上帝召喚, 要獻身某種偉大的事業
Florence's mother, Fanny Nightingale, also came from a staunch Unitarian family.
弗羅倫絲的母親芬妮.南丁格爾女士和她一樣, 來自一個篤信一位論的基督教家庭
(註: florence 和 fanny 是人名, 用音譯. unitarian 是基督教一個支派, 相信神之有一位, 不是三位一體, 中文譯名是一位論派)
Fanny was a domineering woman who was primarily concerned with finding her daughter a good husband.
芬妮女士為人專橫, 一心只想為女兒找一門好親事.
She was therefore upset by Florence's decision to reject Lord Houghton's offer of marriage.
因此, 弗羅倫絲拒絕了霍頓爵士的婚事, 教她大為不滿.