
2007-05-25 1:07 am
write 300-400 words on ‘How did Eureka contribute to the development of democracy in Australia?’

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2007-05-26 10:50 am
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‘How did Eureka contribute to the development of democracy in Australia?’

The Eureka Stockade (or more accurately, the driving force of public opinion that followed) has been characterized as the "Birth of Democracy" within Australia. It can be argued that the reforms, which followed Eureka, would have been achieved without an armed protest. That tyranny ruled on the goldfields is undeniable and there are no grounds to believe that it would not have long continued without Eureka. Peter Lalor later said 'if democracy means opposition to a tyrannical government then I am, and will ever remain, a Democrat'. He also deplored the fact that British governments, at home and abroad, had constantly granted reform measures only after they had been baptised in blood.

In the years after Eureka all the reforms demanded by the diggers were granted. The license fee was abolished and replaced by a Miner's Right, which also gave its holder a right to the vote. The digger leaders, John Basson Humffray and Peter Lalor, were elected to Parliament to represent Ballarat. A tax of 2/6 per ounce was placed on gold and the Gold Commission was abolished. The demands of the Charter of Bakery Hill for manhood suffrage, triennial parliaments and payment of members were eventually met. Land reform took much longer and was never fully achieved in the Nineteenth Century.

The diggers bore the democratic spirit of Eureka to the goldfields in Queensland and Western Australia. Over the years since 1854 the legend of Eureka has quickened the hearts of millions and the Southern Cross has been flown proudly as a unique and beautiful symbol of its spirit. The values of Eureka belong to all Australians regardless of race, class or creed — mateship, egalitarianism, the readiness to 'have a go', a respect for the underdog, fair play and courage in adversity.

Total: 305 words

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