
2007-05-24 11:52 pm
男友d fd, 成日減減濕濕咁眼望望,
佢好似冇乜辦法, 點好呀????

回答 (4)

2007-05-25 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
May be you are very beautiful so other boys are also attracted to you.
But looks like he is concerning more about his friends then you.\
You can: not go out with his when he is with his friends
- try not to wear too sexy in front of his friends
- Be very clear to him and his friends that you don't like the way that they watch you.
- If nothing changes, don't go out with him.
2007-05-25 5:30 am
u can 同佢d fd講.like me always 被fat boy 望!我very not like. after,同佢講咗,同rap him ,佢沒有look at me now.
2007-05-25 4:16 am
你個男友唔想得罪d fd, 你講乜都無用, 不如少d同佢d fd見面仲好, 你地拍拖佢唔駛拖男帶女出來係嘛
2007-05-25 1:37 am
參考: 經驗

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