f.3 hist

2007-05-24 10:12 pm
if you were a german, how would you feel about the division and the foreign control of your country and the capital city??

explain please

回答 (1)

2007-05-24 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I will be extremely unhappy.
However,I may suggest our city to be worked hard and try my best to make te world to be peaced,someone might think that the german can organise another battle again.
And the german may be the winner on the next time/
However,for me,I think peace is more important that win a battle.
As you know,battle is not only a race and lots of people lost their lives and properties,thus win is not the best way to "protect the city"

Actually,the division and the foreign controlled of the germen's country and the capital city would let the germen felt very sad and they thought their government had been making a big disappointment them,as a result ,the germen had to try their best to be happy again.
參考: myself

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