Chocolate musses的製法!!! 10points!!!

2007-05-24 9:51 pm
Chocolate musses的製法!!!

回答 (2)

2007-05-24 9:58 pm
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材料 :
牛奶 75g
淡忌廉 180g
糖 18g
蛋黃 1只
朱古力 115g
魚膠片 5g
rum酒 少許

做法 :
1.朱古力切碎, 魚膠片放入冷水中, 泡軟備用.


3.180g淡忌廉用打旦器打至慕斯狀, 如軟身絲帶紋.

4.牛奶煮滾 (備註:牛奶少少滾就可以, 可則會有一層薄膜就不好了),
稍涼即倒入旦黃內, 不停輕輕攪拌.

5.用小火將(4)加熱攪拌, 煮至濃稠狀態 ,離火, 如有微粒, 就要過篩.

6.將(5)倒入朱古力碎內, 利用(5)的熱力及不停攪拌令朱古力溶化
(備註:最好事先乎古力切得細少少, 就容易溶化, 否則可以隔 熱水煮溶都得) ,
然後加入泡軟的魚膠片, 不停快速攪拌至混合.


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2007-05-24 10:01 pm
Chocolate mousse is a great dessert for entertaining because 1) it looks pretty, 2) everyone gets their own serving, and 3) you can make it a day ahead of time. In fact, you do need to make it at least several hours ahead of time. In honor of this month's Sugar High Friday international food blogging event - The Dark Side hosted by Kelli of Lovescool - I decided to prepare chocolate mousse using the darkest chocolate I could find (Trader Joe's has some Belgian 70% cocoa 1 lb bricks). Chocolate mousse is a little bit tricky. If you incorporate the egg yolks when the chocolate is too warm, it will cook, if too cold, it will seize up when the other ingredients are added. If you stir and not fold the egg whites and whipped cream in, your mousse will not be fluffy, but dense.

Almost all recipes I reviewed called for bittersweet chocolate. From what I can tell, bittersweet has a bit more sugar and a bit less cocoa than the 70% dark chocolate I used. If you are going to serve the mousse straight - with no added cream or fruit, and you love the taste of barely sweet dark chocolate, your mousse will be perfect with the 70%. If you layer in fruit (raspberries complement the chocolate quite well) and or more whipped cream, you'll want either to add sugar or to use bittersweet chocolate to begin with.

4 1/2 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
2 tablespoons (1 ounce) unsalted butter, diced
2 tablespoons espresso or very strong coffee (I used decaf espresso from a local Starbucks)
1 cup cold heavy cream
3 large eggs, separated
1 tablespoon sugar

(Optional) Raspberries and extra whipped cream

1 Whip the cream to soft peaks, then refrigerate.

2 Combine the chocolate, butter, and espresso in the top of a double boiler over hot, but not simmering, water, stirring frequently until smooth. Remove from the heat and let cool until the chocolate is just slightly warmer than body temperature. To test, dab some chocolate on your bottom lip. It should feel warm. If it is too cool, the mixture will seize when the other ingredients are added.

3 Once the melted chocolate has cooled slightly, whip the egg whites in a medium bowl until they are foamy and beginning to hold a shape. Sprinkle in the sugar and beat until soft peaks form.

4 When the chocolate has reached the proper temperature, stir in the yolks. Gently stir in about one-third of the whipped cream. Fold in half the whites just until incorporated, then fold in the remaining whites, and finally the remaining whipped cream.

5 Spoon or pipe the mousse into a serving bowl or individual dishes. If you wish, layer in fresh raspberries and whipped cream. Refrigerate for at least 8 hours. (The mousse can be refrigerated for up to a day.)

Serves 5-8, depending on the size of the servings.

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