
2007-05-24 8:00 pm
I saw a girl wearing a pair of silver 蝴蝶結珠片圓頭平底鞋. I can tell her shoes are not those cheap ones sell in Causeway Bay.

I remember i saw them on a newspaper showing them. If i remember correctly, that shop will custom-make the shoes for you and the shop is run by I.T. or something like that.

Any one can give me the name of the shop or the shop details so I can buy them?

回答 (2)

2007-05-25 11:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I guess the shop you are talking about is "Vanilla Suite" (group of i.t.) for ladies shoes.

Did you see the photos in Apple Daily? I remember I've read that too. There are various material & fabrics for you to choose from for your tailor made shoes, right?? But you have to join the shop as a VIP and purchase certain things from them before you can do that.

There are several Vanilla Suite in Mongkok, TST, Causeway Bay & Central, you can find the address at website of i.t.

The shop details and address are under "Network" of Vanilla Suite.

Hope you can find your "dream shoes"!!
2007-05-24 11:46 pm
i.t. 有

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