我有d電腦硬體問題!! answers me pls

2007-05-24 4:22 pm
其實core 2 duo定 athlon好d
intel Core 2 Duo e6600(1783)
Asus P5B-E Plus (1290)
A-DATA DDR-2 800+ Mhz 2G Kit (1Gx2,CL4) (1180)
Galaxy影馳 GF 8600GTS PCI-E 256MB DDR3 (1550)
LG GSA-H62N 18X SMulti DVD Writer SATA (265)
AcBel E2 API5PC47-Y2EG 450W 20+4Pin (370)
Seagate 320.0GB ST3320620AS SATA II/16MB HDD (730)

Amd: ATHLON64 X2 5200+ (AM2)(1355) Asus M2N-E/AM2 (730) others are same. 被多d意見我呀,plspls, 我用咩好? 如果咩好or要改,話被我知.thx




咁係咪超頻,個機就唔穩定, 超頻好咩好同壞處家


同我講個兩個ram,邊個好d Geil DDR-2 800 2G (1GX2) (790) A-DATA DDR-2 800+ Mhz 2G Kit (1Gx2,CL4) (1180)


咁asus 定 winfast d display card好d 同gf8600gt同gf8600gts d野差唔多 咁asus gf8600gt好唔好同幾錢呀


同其實Gigabyte定asus dmb好d 好d人話asus,有d人又話gigabyte GA-P35T-DS4,P5B Deluxe, P5B-E Plus定GIGYTE GA-P35C-DS3R P35 M/B,邊個好d 我現在既list: 睇下洗唔洗改(唔超頻) intel Core 2 Duo e6600(1772) Asus P5B-Deluxe (1325) Geil 6400UDC DDR-2 800 ULTRA 2G (1Gx2,CL4) HK$ 900.00


AsusTek En8600GTS 256mb (1760) LG GSA-H62N 18X SMulti DVD Writer SATA (265) DELTA ServerPower 550W GPS-550ABA CO3 P.S. (620) Seagate 320.0GB ST3320620AS SATA II/16MB HDD (730) Case:200 同galaxy d vga好似唔好 好easy壞,係咪家 用galaxy,winfast定asus好d 如果係asus ge8600gts, 咁EN8600GTS SILENT會唔會好d

回答 (2)

2007-05-24 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果同級比較, 實係INTEL C2D 好D
不過C2D 較貴, 底板亦較貴, 通常建議砌$5500 以上先用C2D
如果低預算的話, AMD 明顯砌得好D, 而且AMD 好抵用
如果純粹要效能的話, C2D 係不二之選
另外C2D 好好超, 如果你唔超頻而用C2D的話, 未免有D 可惜

你INTEL 個LIST 冇咩大問題
如果買咁貴, 火牛就建議買好D, 咁對成部機都好:

AMD 個LIST 都冇問題

E6600 係雙核心, 四核暫時貴到阿媽都唔認得

2007-05-25 20:00:15 補充:
超頻可以以較低成本獲得較高效能玩家亦可從中獲取滿足感和增加知識經驗如果你識超, 超頻唔會有咩問題如果你咩都唔識, 就唔好亂試, 輕則唔穩定或開唔到機, 重則硬件損毀而且通常超頻都會更熱, 所以散熱要做好其實如果你用千幾蚊買cpu, 就唔好amd 啦因為我之前都講過, 低預算情況下amd 先好正價錢愈高抵玩度就愈低所以你用intel e6600 或e6420 啦amd 最多去到4800咋, 5000以上都唔抵玩

2007-05-30 17:54:48 補充:
A-DATA DDR-2 800 Mhz 2G Kit (1Gx2,CL4) (1180) 好d, 因為延遲值較低如果現在買, 不如買呢個:Geil 6400UDC DDR-2 800 ULTRA 2G (1Gx2,CL4) HK$ 900.00今日又跌左價adata 呢隻ram可能會好超d, 因為佢係for 超頻用, 但都唔平仲有, 以你預算黎講, 就算唔超頻都會係買c2d 抵d

2007-05-31 16:45:12 補充:
8600GT 的話, Galaxy 好DGalaxy影馳 GF 8600GT PCI-E 256MB DDR3 HK$ 1,010.008600GTS 唔抵買

2007-06-05 21:49:44 補充:
底板華碩同技嘉質素都好好, 分別唔大我又唔覺galaxy 易壞喎, galaxy gf8600GT 頻率較高, 效能好D
2007-05-25 8:16 am
intel Core 2 Duo e6600
GeIL PC2-6400 800MHz DDR2 Ultra Dual Channel Kit
Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 (3.3)
Leadtek 8600gts 256mb
pioneer 18x dvdr
western digital sataII 250gb x2 (500gb) for SATA
case use thermaltake soprano dx, comes with 500watts pure power PSU~
if you have money, get a thermaltake big typhoon as cpu cooler

dont get AMD, they going to replace the whole cpu range next year... and 5200+ is slower than E6600~ not as good as E6600 for overclocking as well...

2007-05-25 00:17:54 補充:
do not use generic brand for ram, such as a-data, NPS etc... their quality is not good... use kingston, ocz or geil

2007-05-28 15:38:51 補充:
it's ok to overclock by increasing the FSB, it's very safe to do so, motherboards in the market generally offer heat protection, if the temperature reaches a certain point, the bio will shut the computer down.

2007-05-28 15:39:08 補充:
with a Core 2 Duo cpu, it's very easy to overclock to 3.0ghz by adjusting the FSB.if you want to overclock to an even faster speed, you will first need to replace the cpu heatsink, and then adjust the fsb, voltage, and increase the multiplier...

2007-05-28 15:39:24 補充:
and the only way to achive the fastest speed to do a trial and erro, testing different settings and increase it bit by bit, and highest speed is determined by ajusting the best setting, running the system in stable manner

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