the benefits and limitations of using spreadshee software

2007-05-24 11:36 am
I want to know the benefits and limitations of using spreadsheet software with the use of a database management system in storing.


回答 (1)

2007-05-26 8:20 pm
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# permit users to display data in graphs and charts that have a three-dimensional look
# A complete set of library functions is available at disposal
# Ability of recalculation, If users change one or more numbers in usersr spreadsheet, all related formulas will recalculate automatically.
# allow users to link cells in one worksheet file
#Data may be consolidated from several small worksheets into one large worksheet. ==> users can work with small worksheets, which are more manageable, and summarize the data on a large worksheet.

#difficult to analyze a spreadsheet that has multiple variables listed in a single row or column
#Harder to manage as model gets larger
#Difficult to add new dimensions to model

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