
2007-05-24 7:35 am
如題目,,, 因為岩岩中7畢業...
上網搵到份工係kwun tong做..
因為未接觸過依一行... 未知個field係點..
so唔知應該點著去見工... 唔太formal之餘又唔會俾人覺得太casual..
so... 請問有無人有相關經驗 and suggestion呢? =]

回答 (2)

2007-05-26 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
以clothing為例~ 我以前做過一間大公司~ 專做young既casual wear~
我個manager話佢in過一個人著晒套suit去... 佢就覺得冇必要lor~
始終間公司係做casual wear~ 唔係做hi-fashion... 最終冇請佢...
我in o個間公司上身係著普通白色斯文衫...
下身著左條唔係牛仔褲.. 又唔係西褲既褲.. 都係斯文款..
最後加對high heels...
我諗男仔著件恤衫加條西褲.. 唔洗打tie都ok~
我覺得最緊要著得斯文大方~ 比人覺得你尊重間公司~
參考: 自己經驗
2007-05-24 10:28 am
跟單文員--Order follow up job duties, better have experience. But, if they can teach you, handle order or sampling is not difficult.

Need detail 細心, review/check more after you finish the duties.

I mean (in interview) you can express you are 細心, will step by step to do the job, willing to learn more in this field is enough.

The last, you ask some questions in this job duties and in this 行業.

2007-05-24 02:30:24 補充:
Depend on what you have, anyway, Formal style is my suggestion.
參考: Good Luck! :)

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