幫我check下D gramma有冇錯?

2007-05-24 6:28 am
Good Morning everyone.The book I want to share with you is "The Happy Prince and the Selfish Giant".
This is my favourite book I read in this term.And I want to share one of the story with you.It is the Happy Prince.It is written by oscar wilde.This story is about a beautiful statute called Happy Prince.Happy Prince know many people are poor,so he ask a little swallow to help him to give the magnifcent gems of his body to the poor people.

Finally,the body of Happy Prince change to black.He is ugly now and the little swallow were die because the weather was very cold,


The character I like most is the little swallow because it help Happy Prince to give the gems to the people although it had to go to Eygt to meet it's friend.It's very greatness. .


I think this book is very easy to understand and it let me knoe that we are very lucky because we have enough food,a warm family and many many things.But there are still many poor people in the world.We should help them in our ability.

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2007-05-24 10:31 am
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little gramma check...

This was the best book that I've read this term and I would like to share one of the story with you which was The Happy Prince, written by Oscar Wilde. The story was about a beautiful statue called Happy Prince. Happy Prince knew that there are so many poor people out there, so he asked a swallow to give the magnificent gems of his body away to those who need them.

Finally the body of Happy Prince turned black and ugly. The swallow died because of the freezing cold weather.

The character I liked the most was the swallow, because it helped Happy Prince to give the gems away although it had to go to Eygpt for winter. It's very the greatest swallow ever.

I think this book is very easy to understand and it let me know that how lucky where are because we don't need to suffer from starvation, we had a warm family and many other things. But there are still many poor people in the world, we should do the best to help them, at least in our ability.
參考: me
2007-05-24 5:31 pm
Good Morning everyone.The book I want to share with you is "The Happy Prince and the Selfish Giant".

**Politeness: replace "I want" by "I would like"

This is my favourite book I read in this term.

**Use of English: I believe this is not the only book you have read, therefore, replace "my favourit book" by "one of my favourite books"
**Tense: add "have" before "read"

And I want to share one of the story with you.

**Use of English: replace "one of the" by "this"

It is the Happy Prince. It is written by oscar wilde.

**Be polite to address the author: "Mr. Oscar Wilde"
**Consider this:
It is the Happy Prince which is written by Mr. Oscar Wilde.

This story is about a beautiful statute called Happy Prince.

**Article: add "the" before "Happy Prince"

Happy Prince know many people are poor,so he ask a little swallow to help him to give the magnifcent gems of his body to the poor people.

**Article: add "the" before "Happy Prince"
**Tense: when telling a story, the tense is past tense. Therefore, replace "know" by "knew"
**Use of English: replace "so" by "therefore,"
**Tense: replace "ask" by "asked"

Finally, the body of Happy Prince change to black.He is ugly now and the little swallow were die because the weather was very cold,

**Article: add "the" before the "Happy Price"
**Tense: replace "change" by "changed"
**Tense: replace "is" by "was"
**Tense: two verbs, therefore, replace "were die" by "died"

**To improve this sentence, you may consider this:

Finally, the Happy Prince changed to black and became ugly. The little swallow also died because of the cold weather.

The character I like most is the little swallow because it help Happy Prince to give the gems to the people although it had to go to Eygt to meet it's friend.It's very greatness.

**When talking about your feeling about the book, use simple present tense.
**Article: add "the" before "most"
**Tense: replace "help" by "helps"
**Article: add "the" before "Happy Prince"
**Tense: replace "had" by "has"
**Article and spelling: replace "Eygt" by "the Egypt"
**pronoun: replace "it's" by "its"
**plural: I think the swallow will meet more than one friend, therefore, replace "friend" by "friends"
""Use of English: replace "very greatness" by "great"

**short sentence is easier to handle. To improve this sentence, you can consider this:

The character I like the most is the little swallow. Although it has to go to the Egypt to meet its friends, it helps the Happy Prince to give the gems to the poor people. It is great.

I think this book is very easy to understand and it let me knoe that we are very lucky because we have enough food,a warm family and many many things.

**Consider this:
I think this book is easy to understand. It tells us that we are lucky because we have sufficient food, a warm family and other supplies.

But there are still many poor people in the world.We should help them in our ability.

**Consider this:
As there are many poor people in the world, we should help them whenever we can.

Good luck to your story telling report.
2007-05-24 12:38 pm
Good morning everbody. Today I have a book want to share with you guys, The Happy Prince and The Selfish Giant. This book is my favorite book that I read in this term. Otherwise, I have the other book want to share with you: The Happy Prince, by Oscar Wild. It is a story about a beautiful statue, Happy Prince. he knew there had many poor people in the town of where it at. So, he thought what he could do to help those people was gave his magnifcent gems to them delivered by a little swallow. Finally, the Prince's body change to black, and became so ugly while he had no magnifcent gems left on his body. And the swallow die because the cold weather.
The only character I like the most in this story was the little swallow, because it help the Happy Prince to delivered gems for the people; however, it went to Eygpt to meet it's friend. It was very greatness.
I think this book is very easy to understand and it let me know about in fact we are very lucky because we hace enough food to eat every day, a lovely family and many many thing. Although we are so lucky, but in this world, there had a lot of poor people that need our help. So what I want to say to help them is our ability if we can.
參考: Me!
2007-05-24 6:40 am
I think this book is very easy to understand and it let me( know )that we are very lucky because we have enough food,a warm family and many many things.But there are still many poor people in the world.We should help them in our ability.

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