翻譯題: "中日的領海和領土問題"英語怎麼說?

2007-05-24 4:59 am
翻譯題: "中日的領海和領土問題"英語怎麼說?

回答 (5)

2007-05-24 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Territorial disputes between China and Japan

2007-05-24 14:00:33 補充:
我覺得中日的領海和領土問題,那個問題具體來說就是領地爭議的問題所以用 disputes (爭議) 較 problems (問題) 好Territorial = 領域的disputes = 爭議 (覆數)Territorial disputes = 領域的爭議,已經概括 Territorial Seas and Territorial Lands (領海和領土),任何關於領地/領域的爭議。這樣寫法簡直截了當
2007-05-24 5:26 am
The issue of the territorial sea ( 領海 ) and domains ( 領土 ) of China and Japan.
參考: me and dictionary
2007-05-24 5:07 am
China and Japan's territorial waters and territory question
2007-05-24 5:07 am
China and Japan's territorial waters and territory question

2007-05-23 21:10:43 補充:
territory is 領土question is 問題territorial waters is 領海China and Japan is 中日
2007-05-24 5:06 am
Translation according to my knowledge:
The problem of territorial sea (領海) & territory (領土) in Sino-Japan (中日).

2007-05-23 21:09:56 補充:
How about this option (選擇):The Sino-Japanese problem on territorial sea & territory affairs (事情/事務).

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