How to play Monopoly?????????????

2007-05-24 4:37 am
How to play Monopoly????????????? How much money at the start?

回答 (2)

2007-05-24 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Set up the game. Place the Chance and Community Chest cards in their proper places on the board and have each player choose their token and place it in the start square. Assign a player to be the banker and handle the money and property deeds for the duration of the game.

Hand out money to each player. At the start of the game each player will have $1500 in the following denominations: 2-$500’s, 2-$100’s, 2-$50’s, 6-$20’s, 5-$10’s, 5-$5’s, and 5-$1’s.

Roll the dice to see who goes first. The player with the highest number on the initial roll will start the game.

Starting from the GO space, each player on his or her turn will roll the dice and advance that number of spaces. Depending on which space you happen to land on, your next step at this point can vary. If you roll doubles, you are entitled to another roll. If you roll doubles three times in a row, you must go to jail.

During the course of the game, you are entitled to collect $200 each time you pass GO, so don’t forget to remind the banker to pay you your “salary.”

At some point in the game, you may end up in jail. This does not happen when landing on the jail space during a regular turn; you only go to jail when you land on the Go Directly To Jail space, or if you are instructed by the community chest or chance cards to Go To Jail, or if you roll doubles three consecutive rolls in a row. You remain in jail until one of four things happens: you present a Get Out Of Jail Free card, roll doubles on your turn while in jail, pay $50 to get out of jail, or let three turns pass without you rolling doubles.

Managing your property purchases is probably the trickiest aspect of the game. As you travel around the board, you’ll want to try to purchase as many full sets of properties as possible. By sets, I mean properties in the same color block. You may also buy or trade properties with another player to achieve a complete set. Once you have obtained all the properties in a color group, you are then entitled to double the rent shown on your deeds and you may begin adding buildings to these properties.

Once you have the all the properties in a set, you may add houses and hotels. The rent amount to be paid to you when other players land on these properties changes as per the chart on the deed card. You must always build evenly; each property must have one house each before adding a second to any property. Each property in the set must have four houses before adding a hotel. The even building rule also stands true if you must sell houses back to the bank later in the game.

If you find yourself short on cash when you must pay money to the bank or rent to another player, you may then mortgage your properties to the bank. Before mortgaging the properties, you must sell back all the homes on that property group and you will no longer be able to collect any rent on these spaces. The mortgage value of each property is stated on the deed card. You may pay off the mortgage and retain rental and building rights to your property by repaying the bank.

Once you cannot pay the amount owed to the bank or another player and have no property left to mortgage, you are considered bankrupt. If landing on another player’s property causes your demise, you must give that player everything you have left after selling any remaining houses or hotels back to the bank.

Once a player has gone bankrupt, the game is over. The remaining players must now determine their total values, including cash, properties owned at full board price, mortgaged properties at half board price, and houses and hotels at purchase price. The player worth the largest amount of money is the winner!
2007-05-24 4:54 am
Rules of Monopoly
Two to eight people may play Monopoly, but the game dynamics are ideal with six players. With more than six players, it is too likely that an individual will not have the opportunity to buy significant property and be bankrupted without ever having been in contention. With four or fewer players, there are not as many possible combinations of property ownership, and the importance of astute trading and negotiation is diminished.
Each player begins the game with his/her token on the Go square, and $1500 (£1500, €1500, etc.) in cash divided as follows, per the U.S. standard rules:

2 each of:

$500 bills
$100 bills
$50 bills
6 $20 bills
5 each of:

$10 bills
$5 bills
$1 bills
The British version has an initial cash distribution of:

2 x £500
4 x £100
1 x £50
1 x £20
2 x £10
1 x £5
5 x £1
Classic German editions (i.e., those pre-Euro) started with 30,000 "Spielmark" in eight denominations (abbreviated "M."), and later used seven denominations of the "Deutsche Mark" ("DM."). In the classic Italian game, each player receives £350,000 ($3500) in a two-player game, but £50,000 ($500) less for each player more than two. Only in a six-player game does a player receive the equivalent of $1500. The classic Italian games were played with only four denominations of currency. At least one Spanish edition (the Barcelona edition) started the game with 150,000 in play money, with a breakdown identical to that of the American version.
All property deeds, houses, and hotels are held by the bank until bought by the players.
Official Rules
Players take turns in order, with the initial player determined by chance before the game. A player's turn consists of rolling two dice and advancing on the board the corresponding number of squares clockwise around the track. Depending on where he lands, he takes any of a number of actions. If he lands on an unowned property, then the player has two options. He can either buy the property for its listed purchase price, or he can put it up for auction. The same goes for railroads and utilities. If a person lands on Chance or Community Chest, then he draws the top card from the respective pile. If the player rolls doubles, he rolls again after completing the first turn, but if the player rolls three sets of doubles in a row, he is sent to jail. If the player lands on an owned property he pays the owner a set amount of rent on colored properties and railroads, or multiplies a dice roll by a certain factor for the utilities. The player can also buy houses for their property if he owns all the property in a color group. The rent increases the more houses are on a space. Once there are four houses on a space, the player can build a hotel. The construction or selling back of houses and hotels must be done evenly across all properties in a color group. This means that each property must have first received one house before a second can be constructed, two houses before a third can be constructed, and so on.

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