F.2-- Common Acid n' Alkail 考試要考牙"

2007-05-24 4:14 am
幫幫忙話我知下面岩定錯 + 解釋:

1.If some acid gets into our eyes accidentally, we should use a weak alkail to wash it.
2. Nitrogen oxide is acidic gas.
3.When Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric acid neutralise each other, sodium chloride is formed.
4. 牛奶是酸是鹼??

回答 (2)

2007-05-24 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.If some acid gets into our eyes accidentally, we should use a weak alkail to wash it.
False, we should use distilled water.

2. Nitrogen oxide is acidic gas.
I don't know.Sorry......

3.When Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric acid neutralise each other, sodium chloride is formed.
True. (Sodium chloride is 氯化鈉, 即table salt)

4. 牛奶是酸是鹼??
Milk is slightly acidic.

5.Which of the following will not happen when dilute hydrochloric acid reats with iron beads?
     A. heat is released
B. hydrogen is released
     C.there are many gas bubbles around the bead
     D. a salt is formed
Answer: D

6. which of the following reaction will produce carbon dioxide?
     A. Copper + hydrochloric acid
     B. Oxygen + hydrochloric acid
     C. Calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid
     D. Calcium sulphate + hydrochloric acid
Answer: C

7. 酸雨只有壞影響??

8. When a magnesium(鎂) ribbon is added to test tube of dilute hydrochloric acid,
gas bubbles will be formed on the ribbon, hydrogen and heat wil also be
produced. (I am not sure about the answer......)

9. 檸檬汁pH值系2點4,, 乃屬強酸,, 點解仲可以被食用??

10. 和某些金屬單質反應
酸 + 某些金屬單質 → 氫氣 + 鹽(和金屬活躍性有關)
H2SO4 + Ca = H2↑ + CaSO4
點解會系氫氣,, 吾系氧氣,, 二氧化碳果d
又點解會系鹽,, 吾系其他物質尼??

參考: I am a form 2 student
2007-05-24 4:53 am
1.If some acid gets into our eyes accidentally, we should use a weak alkail to wash it.

If some acid gets into our eyes accidentally,we should use distilled water to wash it because distilled water is clean and it can neutralize the acid, you must not use alkail to wash it .

2.Nitrogen oxide is acidic gas

Nitrogen oxide is acidic gas, because Nitrogen oxide can cause the acid rain.

3.When Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric acid neutralise each other, sodium chloride is formed.

It must not be formed because Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) mix with Hydrochloric acid(HCl) it is only a mixture not a compound (這個你中三會學到)


The milk is alkali.(you can try to do a expermentto test it)

5.Which of the following will not happen when dilute hydrochloric acid reats with iron beads?
     A. heat is released
B. hydrogen is released
     C.there are many gas bubbles around the bead
    ㊣D. a salt is formed

6. which of the following reaction will produce carbon dioxide?
     A. Copper + hydrochloric acid
     B. Oxygen + hydrochloric acid
    ㊣C. Calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid
     D. Calcium sulphate + hydrochloric acid

7. 酸雨只有壞影響??

Of cause , untill now there is not any information show that the acid rain have 好影響

8. When a magnesium ribbon is added to test tube of dilute hydrochloric acid,
gas bubble wil be formed on the ribbon, hydrogen and heat wil also be

9.檸檬汁pH值系2點4,, 乃屬強酸,, 點解仲可以被食用??


10. 和某些金屬單質反應
酸 + 某些金屬單質 → 氫氣 + 鹽(和金屬活躍性有關)
H2SO4 + Ca = H2O + CaSO4
點解會系氫氣,, 吾系氧氣,, 二氧化碳果d
又點解會系鹽,, 吾系其他物質尼??

你說的酸多為hydrochloric acid 而hydrochloric acid 是由hydrogen(氫) + calcium(鹽的主要成份) 變成
那有點會產生Oxygen 呢

2007-05-23 20:54:56 補充:

2007-05-23 21:22:19 補充:

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