在 那 裡 有 狗 狗 Cafe & Cat Cafe? (急)

2007-05-24 1:18 am
Have Dog & Cat*s Cafe

We can play with dog & cat .We can eating in there .

回答 (3)

2007-05-24 2:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
我去過2次銅鑼灣pet pet cafe - 史納沙, 玩具貴婦狗, 松鼠狗個一只.
羅素街60號富興大廈2樓 - 突破樓上. Tel - 60293078

2007-05-25 07:47:07 補充:
yes, there're tea and dinner sets, drinks and a la carte
2007-05-24 2:28 am
Dog One Life Cafe
459, Lockhart Road

They have very healthy dog food & homemade bakery and human food is also very nice.
2007-05-24 1:25 am
Dog's cafe我唔知,但比較有名的Cat*s Cafe 是”阿貓地攤”有好多貓貓.
地址: 銅鑼灣富明街2號寶明大廈3樓D-E室 (么鳳對面)
電話: 27109953

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