
2007-05-24 12:04 am

回答 (8)

2007-05-24 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Community Chest ......
參考: Myself
2007-05-24 12:17 am
commity chest
The commity chest of hong kong
About Us
"Building a caring society through greater participation and giving by the Hong Kong community"
公 益 金 簡 介


- 透過向社會人士呼籲,為所資助的社會福利機構籌募捐款,向有需要的人士提供援助;
- 擔任捐款者的信託人,負責謹慎地分配捐款予各會員機構,從而加強社會福利工作,擴闊服務範圍;
- 為願意資助香港多種社會福利工作的捐款者提供統一捐贈服務。
The Community Chest of Hong Kong

When we were born...

we were born with a mission:
- to obtain donations through community wide appeals on behalf of member social welfare agencies;
- to act as trustee of the donors and allocate funds raised prudently to our agencies to strengthen and maximize their services to the needy;
- to provide an integrated service for donors wishing to support a wide range of welfare services in Hong Kong.

Established on 8 November 1968, we are an independent, non-profit making organisation neither funded, nor operated by the Government.

We are The Community Chest of Hong Kong.

One goal - to work for the betterment of Hong Kong through the support by millions...

The Community Chest is governed by a Board. Under the Board, there are four main committees whose work is supported by over 300 volunteers serving in various sub-committees.

Together with 40 staff at the Chest office, they work hard to accomplish daunting fund-raising target year after year and allocate these funds entrusted by the public to 143 social welfare agencies. These agencies provide services to the elderly, the mentally and physically impaired, children, youth and families at risk, the ex-mentally ill, ex-offenders, the terminally ill, and many others.

Our administrative cost is subsidised by the generous annual grant from The Hong Kong Jockey Club and our prudent investment in various funds. Therefore, the Chest is very proud to be one of the few fund-raising bodies in the world who boast of 100% allocation of funds to our beneficiaries without any deduction for administrative expenses.

Every year, over 1,000,000 needy benefit from your generosity.

Services Supported by the Chest in 2005/2006
Elderly Services HK$17,344,200 12.3%
Family & Child Welfare Services HK$28,965,800 20.6%
Aftercare & Rehabilitation Services HK$38,251,950 27.2%
Children & Youth Services HK$15,649,330 11.2%
Medical & Health Related Services HK$10,707,020 7.6%
Community Development & Other Services HK$29,577,531 21.1%

Rainbow Fund HK$4,000,000

我們於一九六八年十一月八日成立, 是一間非政府、非牟利、財政資源獨立及管理自主的機構。


目標明確 攜手共建美好香港







安老服務 HK$17,344,200 12.3%
家庭及兒童福利服務 HK$28,965,800 20.6%
善導及復康服務 HK$38,251,950 27.2%
兒童及青年服務 HK$15,649,330 11.2%
醫療及保健服務 HK$10,707,020 7.6%
社區發展及其他服務 HK$29,577,531 21.1%
及時雨基金 HK$4,000,000
參考: yahoo
2007-05-24 12:13 am
The Community Chest
2007-05-24 12:10 am
香港公益金(The Community Chest)
2007-05-24 12:10 am
The Community Chest of Hong Kong
上面果個係全名,一般就咁叫The Community Chest。
2007-05-24 12:09 am
The Community Chest
2007-05-24 12:08 am
Community Chest

2007-05-24 12:07 am
The Community Chest

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