幫我翻譯英文........急急急急急!!!!聽日交 大家幫幫忙..............thx~~

2007-05-23 8:11 am

回答 (4)

2007-05-23 8:02 pm
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Once upon a time, there was a person who was tremendously poor.
One day, when she was walking in a park, she saw a hen and got it back.
Unexpectedly, she woke up, finding there was a great deal of golden eggs.
"Wow! I'll become rich!" she yelled in a great mood. Therefore, she sold some golden eggs and earned a generous potion of money. She bought an amazing and huge house.
She took the hen to a walk everyday and love it dearly.
2007-05-23 8:49 am
Once upon a time, during walk leiursely at a park, a poor lady found a chicken and grasped it home. The next morning when she woke up, she found lots of golden eggs all over her bed. "I am getting rich" she screamed, she sold all those eggs and made lots of money , then bought a big house with the money.

She treasured the chicken thereafter, and walked with her everyday.

2007-05-23 00:52:09 補充:
哎打錯字,leisurely not leiusely, sorry ar!!!
參考: 其實如果照中文直譯的文章不可能太流暢,好多時是要配合內容略為修飾的。
2007-05-23 8:43 am
Once upon a time, there was a poor girl. One day, she had a walk in a park and saw a hen. She picked the hen back to home. Who knows that she saw a lot of golden eggs when she woke up in the next morning. She shouted"I have been developed!" Then, she sold the eggs and earned a lot. She bought a big house and she brought her hen for a walk everyday. She loves the hen so much too.
參考: me
2007-05-23 8:14 am
Formerly, some very poor person, one day she took a walk in the park, sees a hen, held it to go home, who knew, early morning as soon as got out of bed sees many many golden eggs, she greatly shouted: "Has been developed" Then took the golden egg □to sell, the modest very many very many money, have bought a big room room, every day brought the golden rooster □to take a walk, but also doted on it very much

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