My daughter had BAD exema... BAD! HELP!!!?

2007-05-22 7:37 pm
It started innocently enough... when she was a couple of months old, she developed some patches behind her knees and in the inside joints of her elbows. She's 14 months old now and had terrible raised red bumpy patches all over her legs, back of her hands, on her stomach, even on the top of her feet. Her doctor doesn't seem concerned, says it's allergies. She's given me some cream that just seems to make it worse.

We do the following to care for it...
1. Wash all clothes, bedding in Dreft!
2. Luke warm, short baths
3. Unscented, no-dye soaps
4. Hydrocortisone cream (or this new 'tri-something' cream the dr gave us).
5. Unscented, no-dye lotion all over after bath.
6. Long pants when outside (in case she falls in the grass).

It's starting to concern me, as she seems to be scratching them a lot more now, and with a lot of gusto...


回答 (16)

2007-05-22 8:04 pm
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My 3 year old son has the same problems. I can tell you what worked for us.

Everything you have done so far, but no lotions. Even the unscented ones. My son cannot tolerate Aveeno Baby lotion for sensitive skin. We took him to a dermatoligist and she said it was something he is ingesting. We had to take out so many foods he was eating! No Dairy, no eggs, no peanuts or peanut butter or any other nuts, stopped the multi vitamin (they were the gummy type), No neosporin, practically no fruit (which he loves!) He loves bananas and apples, but since we have done all this his skin is beautiful!! We also use a steriod lotion called Desonide. We used it the first two days after his water bath and it worked splendid. He still has minor flare ups but I rub the lotion on those spots and give him benadryl when needed.

I have also noticed a huge difference in his attitude since the diet changes. He is a much more pleasant child, no temper flare ups or mood swings. He is very loving and calm now. I never knew the diet would do so much to a child. We still don't know what exactly he is allergic to in the above list, but I hope he grows out of it!!!
參考: mom of 4..........17-3!!!
2007-05-22 7:44 pm
If her doctor will not do anything other than the cream, take her to a dermatologist. My daughter gets exzema but it is usually mild. I lotion her up with Aveno baby lotion or the generic version target sells. Both work wonders. My sister got me started with the Aveno lotions as both my nephew and my neice have it BAD. She said it is the only thing that helped her kids.
2007-05-22 7:48 pm
Your daughter is probably allergic to something she's taking. Check with your insurance and see a specialist see what's she allergic to, they'll probably run a test on your daughter and let you know. My daughter is allergic to all dairy products, seafood, nuts....(long list) she used to scratched her head and chin, until she bleeded. I later on change her formula to soy based. Some kids are even allergic to soy, wheat even gluten.. So my advise is see a specialist first. Some kids will out grow it after 12. It just need to be a little more cautious to take care those kids with multiple allergy.
2007-05-22 7:47 pm
Both of my daughters had the same problem. The main thing to stop immediately is using any soap or lotion with mineral oil in them. The mineral oil cannot penetrate their skin and it isn't letting any of the moisture the skin is in desperate need of in. The ONLY products I found that completely corrected the problem was Arbonne's baby care system. My seven year old still uses it. I was so impressed I quit my teaching job and started a home based business with the company! Good Luck!
2007-05-22 7:44 pm
Try Arbonne's Baby Care (ABC) Lotion. They have a whole baby care line. It is awesome. My friend's baby has excema really bad, she used it for a few days and it cleared up. Keep in mind though that every baby is different. I use it on my son, because he has broken out in rashes after using other popular baby products. Good luck.
2007-05-22 9:15 pm
My 3 yr old has really bad exema on his legs. He has had it since he was a couple months old. Ive taken him to the doctor and tried the hydrocortizone cream which only made it worse just like you said. What I have done is...
1. NO MORE BATHS!! we only shower him it use to be we only had to do this in the winter time but this yr it seems to be worse in the summer...
2. Use a great lotion called EUCERIN and for bad break outs we use AQUAPHOR they are both a lil pricey but seem to help out alot. The aquaphor is almost like a vaseline we rub it on his legs and then make sure he wears pants to be...
3. Make an appt with a dermotologist if my sons legs continue to be bad I am GOOD LUCK
2007-05-22 8:54 pm
ask the doctor for a referral to a to a Dermatologist. It shouldn't be that bad. I have eczema to and i found some creams that work really well.

This one is for itching, you can find it at any drug store.

This one i use right after showering. It keeps your skin moisturized. Both can be used on children
2007-05-22 8:37 pm
first off i think you need a new doctor.. exema is not 'nothing' and shouldnt be taken lightly. my little sister had the WORST case of exema when she was a baby!! the underside of her knees and elbows.. on her whole body.. and under her poor little eyes.. it was so red and scaly that it looked like we beat her! i would do some research and find a good cream to help her clear up and ease the itching. my mom used to put her in oatmeal baths and it helped a lot! i hope you find what you're looking for though.. poor little thing.
2007-05-22 8:10 pm
It could be excema. Its actually more common than you think.. (My son had it when hes very young, like from 3-6 months) but I got some cream called 'Hydrocortisone' it is a bit expensive ($180) but you are supposed to apply a very thin amount on the area (it lightens the skin) and it should clear up nicely.

In between my son getting rashes after bath, I would put Huggies Shea Butter lotion and Johnsons & Johnsons baby oil Gel and it kept the skin very moisturized and it helped clear it the scars it left from scratching.
2007-05-22 7:51 pm
My son is 5 and has had eczema since he was 5 weeks old. You are doing the right things. Did you take her to a dermatologist? There is medicine you can get that is for daily use (Elidel) and then another for flare ups. I don't remember it's name. It has a steriod in it and can only be used for like 10 days in a row. There is a lotion called Cetaphil. My son puts it on every morning, night and after he washes his hands. He actually puts it everywhere he has flare ups. It helps alot. I started putting it on my feet before bed and now my feet are as soft as a baby's bottom.

Good luck!

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