The Obama Drama Will he get the nod or be a vice president for Hillary?

2007-05-22 10:10 am

回答 (12)

2007-05-22 5:36 pm
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He has made it very clear that he is not running for second place and also has commented that he will not accept the Vice Presidency if he is not the nominee. In my opinion that is a mistake on his part because of his inexperience in the Senate and for a possible future bid for the Oval Office.
2007-05-22 5:16 pm
Nobody will vote for a coked up black guy or a loud mouthed, mommy-hipped, hypocritical woman that had a disdain for Cigars!
參考: The Way I see it
2007-05-22 5:15 pm
No I don't think so because she won't win the nomination. I see Al Gore riding in on his white steed and snatching it away from her. But maybe Gore will see having him as the vice pres. a good political move.
2007-05-22 5:13 pm
Ugh....Niether will be spending anytime in the White House unless they are invited!
2007-05-23 3:28 am
Not likely. If she wins, and it is very doubtful. Richardson looks more certain if he does not get State. which I believe old goofy Bill really wants.
2007-05-22 11:38 pm
2007-05-22 9:42 pm
Here in Iowa, the poll still goes like this:

First place: John Edwards
Second: Barack Obama
Third: Hillary Clinton

On the Democracy for America website, Obama is ranked first. But early polls are really no indication of how people will be ranked. However, since John Edwards had continually come back to Iowa even after 2004, he has always ranked first in the polls.
2007-05-22 6:39 pm
Obama already made it clear, he does not want to be vice-president. And I suggest you people stop underestimating Hillary. This country needs a change. Or haven't you noticed? Bunch of ignorant puppets!
2007-05-22 5:18 pm
VP at the very most.
2007-05-22 7:18 pm
That would be just one more tragic fall in a Country that is already in crisis in every area where politics, ACLU, liberal foolish judges, lawyers who take frivilous suits at the expense of all the people, crude celebrities, sex in our schools, illegal aliens, the war in Iraq and the entire Middle East.

Sorta like Humpty Dumpty - all the kings horses and all the kings men will not be able to put Humpty (the U.S.) together again.
2007-05-22 6:41 pm
Obama is getting the attention for being a Black and a Muslim while Hillary Clinton has the network of fundraisers she inherited from Bill Clinton.

VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know if Obama or Clinton will likely win.
2007-05-22 5:17 pm
No. Ultimately Hillary will get the nod because she will connive and manipulate to get what she wants. That includes the exclusion of Al Gore. With Hillary as candidate, though, I think the Dems can chalk up another loss. She'll never make it.

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