(急)功課 20分

2007-05-23 7:44 am

回答 (3)

2007-05-23 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Edmond Wong (Wong Chi-hong) director of the buildings
2) Buildings department
3) Kowloon
4) visit the web site for the ' A guide for window safety' or call the hot line
5) a qualified contractor
6) use brush and fresh water
7) year of pig
8) all private building owners and occupants
9) 10 february 2007
10) to protect public safety
參考: me
2007-05-24 12:33 am
1 Edmond Wong (Wong Chi-hong) director of the buildings
2 Buildings department
3 Kowloon
4 visit the web site for the ' A guide for window safety' or call the hot line
5 a qualified contractor
6 use brush and fresh water
7 year of pig
8 all private building owners and occupants
9 10 february 2007
10 to protect public safety
參考: me^_^ =_=
2007-05-23 7:59 am
1. Edmond Wong (wong Chi-hong) Director of Buildings
2. Building Department
3. Mongkok
4. Refer to 'A Guide to Window Safety' in website at www.bd.gov.hk
5. Qualified contractor
6. brush and fresh water
7. Year of the Pig
8. all private building owners and occupants
9. 10 February 2007
10. To maintain and use windows properly to protect public safety

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 18:06:55
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