ewest Germany & east Germany URGENT !!!!!!!!!!

2007-05-23 7:08 am
請問可否講下 east germany & west germany 同 eastern germany & western germany 係咪講緊唔同既野 ? 佢地有咩分別呀 ??

回答 (1)

2007-05-24 1:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
For East Germany & West Germany ,
they refer to the two different countries formed in the Cold War period.

But for Eastern Germany & Western Germany , they can refer to different places / countries :
Eastern Germany refers to:

German Democratic Republic or East Germany, communist state from 1949-1990
Former eastern territories of Germany:

East Prussia
West Prussia
Province of Pomerania
Province of Posen
Province of Silesia

Province of Lower Silesia
Province of Upper Silesia

The term Western Germany (German: Westdeutschland) is used to describe a region in the west of Germany. The exact area defined by the term is not constant, but it usually includes North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, the Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate are also often included. In differentiation to former East Germany it can describe also West Germany.

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Germany"

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