[求助]有關會計的expenses and income的字

2007-05-23 6:17 am
我依家在讀Business Aministration, 我想知道一d會計的expenses and income有那些!!!
如電費,水費等run expenses

回答 (3)

2007-05-23 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sales 銷售
Service fee income 服務費收入
Commission income 佣金收入
Bank interest income 銀行利息收入
Rental income 租金收入
Dividend income 股息收入
Consultancy fee income 顧問費收入
Management fee income 管理費收入
Sub-contracting fee income 加工費收入
Royalty income 版權收入
Tuition fee income 學費收入
Sundry income 雜項收入

Purchases 購貨
Amortization 攤銷
Auditors' remuneration 核數師酬金
Custom declaration 報關費其他收入
Transportation 運輸費
Bank charges 銀行費用
Depreciation 折舊
Entertainment 應酬費
Exchange loss 滙兌虧損淨額
Legal and professional fees 專業費
Management fee 管理費
Water and electricity 水電費
Cleaning 清潔費
Rental and building management fee 租置租金及物業管理費
Oversea travelling 海外交通費
Contribution to mandatory provident fund 強積金供款
Business registration fee 商業登記費
Repair and maintenance 維修保養費
Salaries and allowances 員工薪酬及津貼
Sundry expenses 雜項
Telephone and fax 電話及傳真費
Local travelling 本地交通費
Messing 員工伙食
Medicine 醫療費
Bad debt 呆壞賬
Bank interest 銀行利息
Other interest 其他利息
參考: 自己
2008-09-22 1:56 am
The website can help you.
www.money128.biz and www.fast-beauty.6289.us
2007-05-23 7:42 am
Wages, Sundry expenses, stationary expenses, director remunation, depreciation

reduction in bad debts, dividend income, interest income, discount received, gain from disposal of fixed assets

2007-05-22 23:45:25 補充:
中文翻譯:薪酬, 雜費, 文具費, 董事薪酬, 折舊呆帳減少, 股息收入, 利息收入, 折扣收入, 售出固定資產利潤希望可以幫到你啦~ ^_^
參考: Me

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 00:01:44
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