Human resources department - Reference Checks

2007-05-23 4:42 am
我想問人事部怎樣做Reference checks, 除了簡單地打電話查証新員工在舊公司在職時間,last position and last salary 外, 還會用其他方法嗎? 會不會查得很細緻??

回答 (2)

2007-05-23 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
通常用fax form, 填上求職者姓名, 然後請前公司人事部填上其他資料, 如職位及工作態度等, 很簡單問題, 人工是不會問的, 亦不會查得很細緻, 除非前人事部同你有過節, 一般都不會講得很差的.
2007-05-23 4:49 am
send the questionaire to the previous company, of course you need to ask the candidate sign the agreement letter to allow company do that.

2007-05-22 20:52:20 補充:
I received those questionaires with the agreement letter, they wanna show that the candidate know & allow the ref. check
參考: I received those questionaire from some companies to ref. check those resigned staff.

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