小學英文(Find the mistake ).....急急急(15分)

2007-05-23 2:08 am
Try to find the mistakes from the sentences :

1. They go to Sandy home .
2. Sandy doesn't have umbrella.
3. They go home play the doll.
4. Pam share umbrella with Sally .
5. On her way home , she meet her friend Pam.

回答 (6)

2007-05-23 8:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. They go to Sandy's home .
2. Sandy doesn't have an umbrella.
3. They go home and play with the doll.
4. Pam shares her umbrella with Sally .
5. On her way home , she meets her friend , Pam.
2007-05-27 3:06 am
1. They go to Sandy home.→They go to Sandy's home.
2. Sandy doesn't have umbrella .→Sandy doesn't have any umbrella.
3. They go home play the dollThey go home to play the doll.
4. Pam share umbrella with Sally Pam shares his umbrella with Sally .
5. On her way home , she meet her friend Pam.→ On her way home , she meets her friend,Pam.
參考: My Dad
2007-05-23 8:38 pm
1) They go to SANDY'S home (but it sounds very strange, I would personally say 'They WENT to SANDY'S home - but you said there was only one mistake and leaving the apostrophe is more serious)
2) Sandy doesn't have AN umbrella
3) They go home TO play WITH the dolls (again I would say 'They WENT home TO play WITH the dolls' - depends if they teacher counts that as 2 or 3 mistakes)
4) Pam SHARED HER umbrella with Sally
5) On her way home, she MET WITH her friend Pam

2007-05-23 12:40:55 補充:
if 4/5 needs to be in present then it is4) Pam SHARES HER umbrella with Sally5) On her way home, she MEETS WITH her friend PAM
參考: me
2007-05-23 2:57 am
1. They go to Sandy's home.
2. Sandy doesn't have an umbrella.
3. They went home to play the doll.
4. Pam shares her umbrella with Sally.
5. On her way to home, she meets her friend Pam.
2007-05-23 2:49 am
1. They go to Sandy's home
因為係Sandy嘅home, 所以要加's

2.Sandy doesn't has an umbrella.
He/She/It 5可以用have, 要用has
'umbrella' need 2 add article

3.They go home and play the doll.
呢度有2個動作,so要用and嚟separate them

4.Pam shares his umbrella with Sally .
simple present tense HE/SHE/IT need 2 add 's'/ 'es' after the verb and i think u need 2表明 who own the umbrella.

5.On her way home , she meets her friend Pam.
simple present tense HE/SHE/IT need 2 add 's'/ 'es' after the verb
參考: me
2007-05-23 2:41 am
They go to Sandy's home .
Sandy doesn't bring umbrella.
They go home to play the doll.
Pam shares his umbrella with Sally.
On her way to home , she meet her friend, Pam.

2007-05-26 09:47:10 補充:
Sandy doesn't have an umbrella.

2007-06-01 19:40:42 補充:
On her way to home , she meets her friend, Pam.
參考: me

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