Who is the fattest people in the world

2007-05-23 12:58 am
Who is the fattest people in the world

回答 (2)

2007-05-23 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
世界上最肥的人是一個墨西哥人, 名叫Uribe Garza, 約40歲,
身高 1.9米, 重550公斤 (1210磅)
http://i3.tinypic.com/x4iyki.jpg 有他的相片 (肥得恐佈!)


A Mexican weighing 550 kilos (86 stone) and thought to be the fattest man in the world is to have his bodyweight surgically reduced in Italy, one of his surgeons told the Ansa news agency on Tuesday.
Manuel Uribe Garza, 40, is to travel to Modena, central Italy, for his operation.
Uribe Garza, 1.90 metres (six feet three inches) tall, has been suffering from "morbid obesity" for around 20 years and is no longer mobile.

2007-05-22 22:50:33 補充:
英文答案:The fattest man in the world is a Mexican called Uribe Garza.He is 40 years old.He is 1.9 metre tall and he weighs 550 Kg (1210 lb.)There is a picture at http://i3.tinypic.com/x4iyki.jpg

2007-05-22 23:17:56 補充:
如果你的問題不是指一個人, 而是眾數, 答案是:世界上最肥的人是太平洋的一些島民, 特別是女性..數字顯示55%的東加(Tongan)女人, 74%的薩摩亞(Samoan)女人和77%的那魯(Nauru)男人和女人都屬極為肥胖的人.資料來源: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/1682477.stm

2007-05-22 23:18:35 補充:
英文:Pacific islanders, especially women, are the fattest people in the world, according to latest figures published by the International Obesity Taskforce.The figures show that 55% of Tongan women, 74% of Samoan women and 77% of men and women living in Nauru are obese.
2007-05-23 1:03 am
you can go to the google or yahoo to searh your question.^_^

2007-05-22 17:04:22 補充:
i hope can heip you
參考: me ,book

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