
2007-05-22 11:46 pm
1Revenge is something that everyone enjoy. 2People don’t like to talk about it, though. 3Just the same, there is nothing more tempting, more satisfying, or with the reward of a bit of revenge. 4The purpose is not to harm one’s victims. 5But to let them know that you’re upset about something they are doing. 6Careful plotting can provide one with relief from bothersom coworkers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members.


回答 (5)

2007-05-23 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Revenge is something that everyone enjoys.
Everyone係單數, 所以要s

2. People don’t like to talk about it, though.

3. Just the same, there is nothing more tempting, satisfying, or rewarding than a bit of revenge.
既然用緊tempting同satisfying, 就用埋rewarding

4+5. The purpose is not to harm one’s victims, but to let them know that one’s upset about something they did.
呢兩句應該連埋, 係好少情況下先會用But開始一句
They did 因為已經發生

6. Careful plotting can provide one with relief from bothersome co-workers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members.
2007-05-23 10:14 pm
See if this helps.

1. Revenge is something that everyone enjoy.
singular plural problem: should replace "enjoy" by "enjoys"

2. People don’t like to talk about it, though.
Connective: I'm not sure about this one. If this continues the first sentence, you should add "However," at the beginning and delete ",though" at the end.

3. Just the same, there is nothing more tempting, more satisfying, or with the reward of a bit of revenge.
Precise wording: replace "Just the same" by "Similarly"
Consistent pattern: replace "with the reward of" by "more rewarding from"

4. The purpose is not to harm one’s victims.
Use of English: replace "harm one's victims" by "hurt anyone" and I'm not sure if this should be rephrase as "The purpose is not to make anyone a victim."

5. But to let them know that you’re upset about something they are doing.
Wrong tense: the act has been done and the effect is still there, therefore, replace "are doing" by "have done"

6. Careful plotting can provide one with relief from bothersom coworkers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members.
Use of English: "plotting" is not a noun, therefore, replace "Careful plotting" by "A careful plot"

Good luck!
2007-05-23 1:42 pm
1. Revenge is something that everyone enjoys.
2. Although, people don't like to talk about it.
3. Just the same, there is nothing more tempting, more satisfying, or to get a reward for a bit of revenge.
4. The purpose is not to harm one's victim, but to let them know that you're upset about something that they did.
6. Carefully plot can provide one with relief from bothersom coworkers, gossiping with friends, or nagging about family members.
參考: myself
2007-05-23 12:23 am
Maybe you can find answer in this!!
2007-05-23 12:12 am

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