
2007-05-22 8:49 pm

回答 (3)

2007-05-22 9:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
issue a letter to i-cable via e-mail. How?? enter i-cable website and find the "contact you" icon. just press the icon and copy the following letter to there.

Dear Sir

Re: termination of service

I am writing to inform you that I want to stop the broadband service and the effective date is TODAY.

I knew that I should sign back the form of termination service to you. Otherwise, the service will be continued. I have ordered the form a week ago through your hotline. I am deeply DISAPPOINTED with you services because NODODY gave me a definitely answer. They only knew to give me a nonsense telephone number. I followed to dial a lot of calls, like tel number 2112-8899, 2112-8866, 1832,832 and waste much time there. But, my question is still unsolved. Please tell me that how can I do? Please don't waste my time and also my money again.

Please provide more training to your staffs to upgrade the qualiy of services! Please remind that if i want to have a telephone number, I could call for PCCW, not you.

I am looking forward to hear your soonest reply!

Best regards,
2007-05-22 9:06 pm
搵d 乜乜物物週刊投訴, 佢地有d投訴版專係比d市民去投訴, 它們會幫你跟進, 聽聞一經佢地直接向該機構反映你d投訴, 通常該機構都會好快有反應, 因為怕登晒出來影響聲譽, 可以試試
2007-05-22 8:56 pm

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