
2007-05-22 8:33 pm
在《sex and the city》裏carrie常常喝一種名叫「cosmopolitan」的cocktail...

之後我在有關cocktail書裏, 看到一款叫「cosmopolitan martine」的cocktail (martini variation)...


cocoktail「sex on the beach」屬於那一類型的酒?

回答 (1)

2007-05-25 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cosmopolitan is a cocktail made with vodka, Cointreau or Triple Sec, cranberry juice, and fresh-squeezed lime juice or sweetened lime juice. Informally, it is referred to as a Cosmo.

Cosmopolitan Martine made with Vodka, Triple Sec, filled with cranberry juice. The drink is served in a chilled martini glass straight up.

Cosmopolitan and Cosmopolitan Martine different are use lime juice n cointreau.

Sex on the beach sometimes called a Fuzzy Navel

1 fluid ounce vodka
1 fluid ounce peach schnapps
3 fluid ounces orange juice
3 fluid ounces cranberry juice
Fill a highball glass with ice, pour in vodka and peach schnapps, then fill glass with half orange juice and half cranberry juice
參考: me n internet

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