
2007-05-22 3:33 pm

回答 (3)

2007-05-22 4:43 pm
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一般來說除小兒科、婦產科以外的全身器官系統的疾病中,不需藉助手術治療的疾病診斷與治療都屬內科Internal Medicine的範疇。廣義的內科包含神經、腫瘤和皮膚等方面的疾病,在專科化發展後,這些專科都已自內科獨立出來。目前內科的次專科包括有:一般內科、心臟血管科、胃腸肝膽科、胸腔科、新陳代謝內分泌、感染科、風濕免疫科、腎臟科和血液腫瘤科等。
一般外科Surgery 工作範圍如 腸胃道疾病診斷治療及手術。肝臟, 膽道, 胰臟疾病診斷治療及手術。乳房疾病診斷治療及手術。甲狀腺, 副甲狀腺, 及其他內分泌疾病手術。各種疝氣診斷及手術: 如鼠蹊疝氣, 臍疝氣, 股疝氣等。週邊血管疾病的診斷治療。腹部創傷之鑑別診斷及急診手術。各種身體表淺小腫瘤的切片或切除的門診手術及腹腔鏡手術。
2007-05-22 3:56 pm
in english~it is internal and external
Internal means inside the body, for example: heart, lung, kidney, blood pressure,etc. We call internal medicine as a doctor's professinal name, who is handling inside of the body, almost equals to family doctor. Like you have to check up your body every year, it include take blood speciman, urin and may be EKG, ofcourse blood pressure, checking of ears, thoat, eyes, nose, breaths and some else. Geting cold, high blood perssure, deabtes, woman's health, children's vaccine,etc is also internal.
External can means inside or outside the body, is also calls surgery. Surgery is going to take something out of the body or cut the thing is no use.

hopes it helps
參考: self expirence
2007-05-22 3:55 pm
簡單區分內科即係食藥, 口服嘅, 普通傷風感冒去睇醫生就屬內科醫生, 至於外科就係做要手術

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