旅行支票,credit card同atm 邊樣好d ar?

2007-05-22 10:56 am
邊樣方便d ar? charge 點收ka, 邊樣收最小charge?如我用$100travel check來買$40 既野, 間shop 會比番$60 cash 我ma?其中佢會唔會再收charge ka? 起美國, 多唔多地方收travel check ka?

回答 (5)

2007-05-23 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am a US citizen and live in East coast, maybe I can help.

旅行支票,credit card同atm 邊樣方便d ar?
Credit card

Charge 點收ka, 邊樣收最小charge?
When you buy 旅行支票, the bank already charge you handling charge. Credit card will charge the exchange rate, each bank has different policy for that. When you use the atm in US, you will charge around HK$40; most of the malls have several ATMs, but the mall are very big, you will end up spend a lot of time to find the atm.

如我用$100travel check來買$40 既野, 間shop 會比番$60 cash 我ma?
Yes, they will.

其中佢會唔會再收charge ka?
No, they will not charge you.

起美國, 多唔多地方收travel check ka?
Some of the chain stores or the mall which target for the tourists.

Visa and Master card are the most popular credit card in US; 90% + retail will accept, even you only spend for 3 dollars, you can still use Visa or Master card. Of course, some small business are only accept cash. Keep in mind that some ot the stores are not welcome the 100 or 50 dollars bill, so if you want to exchange US dollars before you go to US, ask the teller for the 20 dollars bill.

Good Luck and have a nice trip in US!
2007-05-23 10:46 am
Credit card
係美國除左的擋口仔或者的 up dup 中國人舖頭外
全部舖頭都收 credit card 包括埋 kfc, burger king, super market, 7-11........etc.
credit card 通常都有 insurance protection
唔小心跌左張咭,打過電話就一的損失都無(有的 charge 你 $50 usd )
甘當然最好係帶少量現金,要黎俾下 tips 之類既野
我本身住美國,大多數時間,我係一毫子現金都無。 因為唔雖要,亦都懶得去銀行。
2007-05-22 7:47 pm
traveller cheque......要去當地銀行換番現金的. 有 D 大酒店都會受. 但一定會收 handling charge. 故好唔方便. 都係唔用為妙. 當然係 credit card 方面 la. 去到邊都碌得 ka wor. 油站都得. 因為美國人好鬼鐘意用 card ka. 我成日去美國自由行的. 一般都係帶少少 cash 去. 然後用 credit card lor. 費事代住咁多 cash ma. 如去到當地...真係急需 cash 用. 而你既 credit card 又有足夠信用額的話. 去 ATM 禁錢 lor. 每提取一次, 除對換率以外; 其實只收你 HK$20 handling charge 的.
2007-05-22 3:33 pm
我建議你應該用credit card,因為至少許多地方都用,當然,可以的話,帶埋atm card,到時候,你身上不需要帶什麼金錢,而且又方便
2007-05-22 11:30 am
如我用$100travel check來買$40 既野, 間shop 會比番$60 cash 我ma?
會比番$60 cash 你。

我應為credit card方便d,不過都要看你買既物品的價錢,如果你買件三文治USD 5,梗係旅行支票啦! 是當現金用,當你用USD 100 旅行支票買件三文治USD 5,店員會找回你USD 95,不會收charge。 但如果你想買USD 20 以下既野,你不如用張USD 20 / 50既旅行支票,我覺得方便些,例如你去街邊小食店買杯汽水用USD 100 旅行支票,未必每間店都有咁多錢找你喔!

你買旅行支票已經收你手續費,用credit card購物,銀行會賺你匯率。


2007-05-23 02:53:59 補充:
Hello! kiki In Hong Kong, some of the stores are not welcome the 100 or 50 US dollars bill too.Because It is very difficult to find out the bank note real or not(counterfeit money).

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