我想問咩叫價格黏性price stickiness

2007-05-22 9:24 am
我想問咩叫價格黏性price stickiness

回答 (2)

2007-05-26 4:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
price stickiness refers that sometimes in markets where prices don't change much, even when supply or demand are subject to changes.

For example,taxis don't increase their fares when it rains heavily and demand suddenly goes up. Hotels don't vary room rates in response to daily fluctuations in demand. Firms seldomly cut wages when sales fall. When prices don't react quickly to changes in supply and demand economists say that 'prices are sticky'.

itz just all very simple ideas, hope it helpz!
參考: myself~ An Economics master student
2007-05-22 9:49 am
Price stickiness means price remains unchanged.

Price stickiness means that the price level cannot jump downwards immediately because individual prices require time to adjust.

This is one of the assumptiosn of Keynesian model in the short run.

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