urgent~~ 請翻譯做英文, thank you!! 唔該晒丫~!

2007-05-22 9:24 am
現今社會一般公司會採用一些電腦系統去幫助公司處理在數目上的難處,因此電腦系統也是人手寫的, 必然會出現一些錯誤. 然而,在這次遺失貨物的事件來看, 公司的電腦系統技術還有待改善不然自會影響公司的名聲. 長久下去, 並會引致公司客戶流失等問題.
由於公司的貨倉仍是人手去把資料輸入電腦, 然後再由電腦把貨物資料分析, 最後才會經由運輸送交客人手上. 在這流程當中, 資料輸入的環節是十分重要的, 在貨倉經盤點後發現有貨品在公司貨倉內遺失, 最常見的情況是人手把貨品的資料輸入電腦時出錯. 因為資料經由電腦去安排貨品在貨倉的位置和貨品的去向. 由此可見這是人為的錯失, 若公司擁有一個完善的貨倉系統或管理方式, 就算是出現人為錯誤也定必能發現. 可避免公司受到無謂的損失.

回答 (5)

2007-05-22 10:47 pm
現今社會一般公司會採用一些電腦系統去幫助公司處理在數目上的難處,因此電腦系統也是人手寫的, 必然會出現一些錯誤. 然而,在這次遺失貨物的事件來看, 公司的電腦系統技術還有待改善不然自會影響公司的名聲. 長久下去, 並會引致公司客戶流失等問題.
由於公司的貨倉仍是人手去把資料輸入電腦, 然後再由電腦把貨物資料分析, 最後才會經由運輸送交客人手上. 在這流程當中, 資料輸入的環節是十分重要的, 在貨倉經盤點後發現有貨品在公司貨倉內遺失, 最常見的情況是人手把貨品的資料輸入電腦時出錯. 因為資料經由電腦去安排貨品在貨倉的位置和貨品的去向. 由此可見這是人為的錯失, 若公司擁有一個完善的貨倉系統或管理方式, 就算是出現人為錯誤也定必能發現. 可避免公司受到無謂的損失.

Nowadays the social common company can use some computer systems tohelp the company to process in the number the difficulty, thereforethe computer system also is person writing by hand, inevitably canappear some mistakes However, in this time loses the cargo the eventto look that, company's computer system technology also waits for theimprovement otherwise to be able to affect the company the reputationFor a long time gets down, and can bring about the company customer todrain and so on the question Because company's goods warehouse still was the manpower goes thematerial input computer, then by the computer the cargo materialanalysis, finally only then can deliver again by way of thetransportation in the guest manpower In the middle of this flow, thematerial input link is extremely important, in the goods warehouseafter inventorying discovered has the goods to lose in the companygoods warehouse, the most common situation is the manpower when thegoods material input computer makes a mistake Because the materialarranges the goods by way of the computer in the goods warehouseposition and the goods whereabouts Thus it can be seen this is theartificial error, if the company has a perfect goods warehouse systemor the management way, is appears the human error also surely to haveto be able to discover May avoid the company having the senselessloss
2007-05-22 12:41 pm
Nowadays the social common company will use some computer system to help the company to process in the number the difficulty, therefore the computer system will also be person writing by hand, definitely will present some mistakes. Otherwise however, in this missing goods' event, company's computer system technology also waits for improving will affect company's reputation. Gets down for a long time, and will bring about questions and so on company customer outflow.
Because company's goods warehouse was still the manpower goes the material input computer, then by the computer the cargo material analysis, finally only will then deliver again by way of the transportation in the guest manpower. In the middle of this flow, the material input's link is very important, in goods warehouse after inventorying the discovery has the goods to lose in the company goods warehouse, the most common situation is the manpower when the goods material input computer makes a mistake. Because the material arranges the goods by way of the computer in the goods warehouse position and the goods whereabouts. Thus it can be seen this is the artificial error, if the company has a perfect goods warehouse system or the mode of administration, even if is presents the human error also surely to be able to discover. May avoid the company having the senseless loss.
2007-05-22 9:44 am
The social general company will adopt the difficulty that some computer systems help the company to deal with the figure now, so the computer system is that the people are handwritten, will inevitablely present some mistakes . However, look in this incident of losing the goods, the computer system technology of the company still remains to improve otherwise the reputation that will influence the company. Go down for a long time , and will cause the questions , such as loss of corporate client ,etc..
Because the storehouse of the company is still that the hand goes to import the materials to the computer, then by a pair of goods analysis of the computer, will just be via transporting and delivering guests on hand finally. In this procedure, the link that the materials input is very important, find after making an inventory in the storehouse that there are goods that are lost in the company storehouse, most common situation whether hand make mistakes at inputting the computer materials of goods. Because materials is it arrange goods position and whereabouts of the goods in storehouse to go via computer. Therefore this is the fault that people are, if the company has a perfect storehouse system or management style, even if presenting the human error can be found definitely. Can prevent the company from receiving meaningless losses .
參考: Dr.eye
2007-05-22 9:41 am
The social general company will adopt some computer systems to help the difficulty which the company deal with the figure now, so computer system people handwritten too, will inevitablely present some mistakes. But, read in this incident of losing the goods, the computer system technology of the company still remains to improve otherwise the reputation that will influence the company. Go down for a long time, and will cause such questions as the loss of corporate client,etc..
Because the storehouse of the company is still that the hand goes to import the materials to the computer, then goods analysis, can via is it send guests to on hand to transport just finally by computer. In this procedure, the link that the materials input is very important, find after making an inventory in the storehouse that there are goods that are lost in the company storehouse, most common situation whether hand make mistakes at inputting the computer materials of goods. Because materials is it arrange goods position and whereabouts of goods in storehouse to go via computer. Therefore this is the fault that people are, if company have one perfect storehouse system or management style, appear human error must can find definitely too. Can prevent the company from receiving meaningless losses.
2007-05-22 9:36 am
Nowsaday,the general company will adopt some computer systems to help the difficulty which the company deal with the figure now, so the computer system is that the people are handwritten, will inevitablely present some mistakes. But, look in this incident of losing the goods, the computer system technology of the company still remains to improve otherwise the reputation that will influence the company. Go down for a long time, and will cause such questions as the loss of corporate client,etc..
Because the storehouse of the company is still that the hand goes to import the materials to the computer, then goods analysis, can via is it send guests to on hand to transport just finally by computer. In this procedure, the link that the materials input is very important, find after making an inventory in the storehouse that there are goods that are lost in the company storehouse, most common situation whether hand make mistakes at inputting the computer materials of goods. Because materials is it arrange goods position and whereabouts of goods in storehouse to go via computer. Therefore this is the fault that people are, if company have one perfect storehouse system or management style, appear human error must can find definitely too. This can prevent the company from receiving meaningless losses.

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