cheat my way to high school now college help!?

2007-05-21 10:59 pm
I cheat my way to high school with 3.0gpa. I have to go to university next year. Not community college but university. Can i surrive with middle school education?

回答 (8)

2007-05-24 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Haha your going DOWN.
I busted my @ss for every A I got
Get caught cheating in college and you are in BIG touble
2007-05-21 11:06 pm
Cheat! It seems to be you major
參考: His posting
2016-11-05 10:14 am
i spotted which you wrote which you have been caught cheating, yet you didnt write which you cheated. seem, do you opt to bypass via existence taking the fundamental way out, or do you opt to be a efficient member of society? Cornell doesnt want cheaters of their ranks. Why no longer do Cornell a prefer and delay your college till you have made up your suggestions that cheating on even one try question is unacceptable. cheating isnt a syndrome, it relatively is a selection. and you could come to a decision genuine now that taking the fundamental way out will ultimately get you fired from a good paying activity. A cheaters existence is a losers existence and that i surely desire you do no longer finally end up yet another statistic.
2007-05-21 11:30 pm
Math and English are the only subjects I can think of that you might have problems with. If you find that you struggle in these areas, you'll need to meet with your professors for help, find a tutor, and/or put a lot of effort into learning them. Other than that, your professors and textbooks are there to help you learn the subject/material, so if you can learn to pay attention in class, take notes, read, and study (instead of cheat) you should be fine. It's harder to cheat in college and the consequences are more severe. However, I don't know why you would want to cheat in college, that would honestly be a COMPLETE WASTE of time and money, considering you won't actually learn anything!!
2007-05-21 11:11 pm
Very tough. What is your English level (without cheating)? If you're very solid in English then you probably can make it. However, you'll still have difficulties in Math if you cheat because it's somehow related. You should start to review your high school math. Well, nothing is impossible but you'll have a lot to catch up.
2007-05-21 11:04 pm
2007-05-21 11:03 pm
Well, you can actually study and put forth some effort ... or come up with better ways to cheat.
2007-05-21 11:03 pm
I would hope that you picked something up during your 4 years of high school. If not, the most important subjects I would think are math, and science. Everything else you can pick up quickly.

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