trying to find local fun mommy and kid group things to do but am having a hard time.?

2007-05-21 7:42 pm

回答 (5)

2007-05-21 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would recommend activities like:

1.) Kinder musik (both fun and educational)
2.) exercise and play time will be Gymboree
3.) If you are on budget you may want to check out your own community, city or church they may offer something less expensive.
4.) Summer is comming up, you may also go to mommy and child swimming classes.
I hope you enjoy.
2007-05-22 6:25 am
Best suggestion since you didn't mention where you live is They have hundreds of thousands of groups that meet worldwide. I organize a great Multi-cultural mom's group in the Seattle area and the site has great resources and is very easy to navigate your way around.

Best of luck to you!
2007-05-22 3:01 am
seach for your local Early Childhood PTA group.
I don't know where you are but I have been a member of on in Texas.
2007-05-22 2:51 am
You need to tell us where you live.
2007-05-22 2:50 am
If you have friends with kids you can set one up together! Every week you can go to a different mommy's house and they can have stations set up and you can all have fun with your kids! The mommy whose turn it is to host is responsible for food and activitys. Mean while your baby will get a lot of activity and have a bunch of other kids to play with and his mommy!

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