do u love ice skating?

2007-05-21 3:21 pm
well, me?! im addicted to ice sakting! we go ice skating twice a week!

ice skating.. really cool.. :) my favorite thing to do when im in the rink is to SPIN!!!! lOL!! but SOMETIMES i get dizzy then i fall.. hahha!! totally addicted to it.. if i could only do 4 jumps! LOL!! hahaha..

回答 (19)

2007-05-21 11:45 pm
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Lawl! i love this question. Today i was talking to one of my friends and they said "obsession!!". I am an ice skating a holic!! i'm addicted to it. I love it more than almost anything else!! I try to go as many times as possible and I'm still trying to persuade my parents to take me more often or if i could join the home school group at the rink and they spent like every minute in there!!!! ice skating = ♥
2007-05-21 10:38 pm
Yes, love it. I think this sport is very addictive. Always can work on and be better. For instance when you can do an axel then you'll attempt a double or triple. Just so much fun.
2016-12-30 5:57 am
i for my area did no longer "come across" ice skating til in a while in existence. when I did, it delivered back fond thoughts of curler skating as a new child and my love for dance . . . with ice skating i ought to mesh the two worlds jointly! I had opportunities to compete and carry out . . . the place else might I ever get the diploma (ice) all to myself, doing some thing i like, with a gazing audience?! Hee hee!! I enjoyed studying to skate different strikes - centred on the sake of choreography - so i ought to tell a narrative to the audience and with a bit of luck they might savor it too. Oh - and it particularly is a great thank you to stay in shape devoid of feeling such as you're workout . . . too plenty relaxing - wink!!
2007-05-22 3:39 am
Yes. I love skating. I wish I could skate but because of my chronic pain I'm unable to skate right now, but hopefully I will be able to start skating again.
2007-05-22 12:57 am
I love skating!!! it's like your feet have wings. you can do anything. I go skating 3-4 times a week and stay on the ice until the zamboni chases me off. it's so much fun! especially ice dance, which is awesome to do and amazing to watch.
2007-05-21 5:33 pm
i love it soo much. i love shows and competitions and everything!! also coz its unusual over here in the UK and everyone is like suprised when they hear about my skating coz most girls ride or dance etc. i fall over learning my jumps etc i have to get up at 5.30 on saturdays (luckily the rest of the time i skate afternoons after school. ive even broken my arm skating but i will never give up because i love it!! xox i wouldnt be allowed to give up even if i ddnt love it lol
2007-05-21 4:26 pm
yes. i love it. im addicted to it. its such an amazing, graceful yet athletic sport. its incredible to watch, and i bet its even more incredible to skate. its a sport because its about passion. i love it.
2007-05-21 3:57 pm
well i am in figure skating and went tuesdays,thursday,and sundays witch was reailly fun I. am addicted to figure skating some times i wanted to go on days that there was no skating so i went public skating and did all of my figure skating there.
2007-05-21 3:31 pm
I'm not sure - I've only been twice, and on both ocassions it really wasn't worth the skate hire fee...

...because I spent 95% of my time sitting on my bottom looking confused, and the other 5% hanging desperately onto the rink wall wishing my feet would stop sliding off in opposite directions...

Think I might be missing something here - LOL!
2007-05-21 10:20 pm
No. It's not even a sport to me either.
It shouldn't be even in the Olympics because of the Jealousy, Backbiting, Political and Bias opinions from the Judges and from the Ice Skaters themselves.
Especially when you're talking about Pairs (Remember Sale and Pelleteir incident back in 2002?).
No offence but Ice skating shouldn't be an Olympic sport.

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