runescape 一問

2007-05-22 5:23 am

回答 (4)

2007-05-24 5:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
要自己整runes的話要先完成Rune Mysteries Quest,請按以下連結看看如何完成該quest (中文解釋的,乃小妹心血結晶 lol 當然唔睇自己去慢慢試更加好玩 =P):
「i want do runescape in the quest -rune quest ok any halp??」

你完成個quest 之後會被teleport 玩Rune essence mine,可以 mine 到rune essence / rune ess. ,只要mining level 1就可以mine 到o架喇,即係一定mine 到啦~~
以下係整各種runes 所需的Runecrafting level (rcing lvl),全部係f2p (free-to-play / non-member)的,如有需要要members的,請補充題目我再補答:
Air rune: 1
Mind rune: 2
Water rune: 5
Earth rune: 8
Fire rune: 14
Body rune: 20

當你去到某一rcing lvl時,你可以以1 ess 整到double, triple 甚至四倍的runes,詳情請按以下連結並於內按“Multiple runes per essence”。

而響邊度整d runes 呢,請按以下連結,指明f2p的runecraft位置及就近的bank,都係小妹答ge~~
「Runescape Where Can I do Runecrafting???」

有咩Runescape o既問題歡迎你搵我,可email /msn我,請按入我的檔案找我的email (=msn)。
參考: 小妹經驗
2007-05-26 1:11 am
free world只能做到果啲runes,pure rune essence同rune essence都做到。Member先做到果啲runes,就一定要用pure rune essence(除咗mist,mud,dust)。
rune essence:
你要做完rune mystery(quest),先至可以去mine,你要同Aubury(Varrock rune shop個shop keeper)or wizard's tower 個wizard講你想teleport去mine rune essence。

Runecrafting Altars:

Air :South of Falador.
Closest Bank: Falador East

Mind: North of Falador, and east of the Goblin Village. It's right on the boarder of the Wilderness!
Closest Bank: Edgeville (through the Wilderness)

Water: Located in Lumbridge Swamp, and southeast of Draynor Village. The shack to Zanaris is to the east as well.
Closest Bank: Draynor Market or Zanaris (Dramen staff needed)

Earth :Northeast of Varrock, and just south of the Lumberyard.
Closest Bank: Varrock East

Fire :Just north of the entrance to the Duel Arena, and northeast of Al Kharid.
Closest Bank: Al Kharid

Body :Southwest of Edgeville, and west of Barbarian Village.
Closest Bank: Edgeville

Cosmic :Located in the Lost City of Zanaris. Follow the twisty path to the south of the wheat field.
Closest Bank: Zanaris
Requirements: Must have completed the Lost City Quest.

Chaos :Northwest of Edgeville, and in level 9 Wilderness. Once inside, you'll need to complete a 4-level maze (mouse over the map to see).
Closest Bank: Edgeville

Astral: Found on Moonclan Island, and south of Lunar Isle city.
Closest Bank: Lunar Isle
Requirements: Must have completed Lunar Diplomacy. No talisman or tiara needed.

Nature :North of Shilo Village (right near the wall) on Karamja Island.
Closest Bank: Zanaris (Fairy Ring combination CKR - must have completed Fairy Tale Part 2), or Shilo Village (must have completed the Shilo Village Quest)

Law :In the northwest corner of Entrana Island.
Closest Bank: Draynor Village
For Help: Fast Free Laws service.

Death :Inside of the Temple of Light.
Closest Bank: East Ardougne North
Requirements: Must have completed Mourning's End Part 2.

Making runes
use talisman to altar,then craft altar


2007-05-25 17:12:47 補充:
唔明就搵我,rune username:Shhhoi(lvl65)。

2007-05-25 17:17:14 補充:
差啲唔記得講結合而成嘅runes:mist:water airdust:earth airmud:water earthsmoke:air firesteam:water firelava:Earth fire

2007-05-25 17:19:23 補充:
2007-05-23 4:40 am
frist you need to finish a quest RUNE MYSTERIES
• 1 Quest point
• An air talisman
• Ability to use the Runecrafting skill

Start: Talk with Duke Huracio in the second floor in Lumbridge Castle.

1. After you get the talisman from the duke, go to the head wizard located in the basement of Wizard Tower south of Draynor Village. Talk with him, and he will give you a research package.

2. Bring the package to Aubury in the rune shop in Varrock. Talk with him twice and you will get some notes you have to give to the wizard.

3. Go back to the Head Wizard in Wizard Tower and talk with him, and you're done.
other map of rune
Air Altar

Location: South of Falador.
Mind Altar

Location: North of Falador, west of the Ice Mountain.

Water Altar

Location: Lumbridge Swamp.
Earth Altar

Location: North-east of Varrock, near the Jolly Boar Inn.

Fire Altar

Location: North of Al Kharid, west of the Duel Arena.
Body Altar

Location: South of the Monastery, between Barbarian Village and the Dwarven Mine.

Cosmic Altar

Location: In Zanaris, The Lost City. South-east of the bank at the end of the twisting passage.
Chaos Altar

Location: North of Edgeville in level 9 Wilderness, south of the Dark Warriors' Castle. You will need to proceed through a maze.*

Astral Altar

Location: South-east area of Lunar Isle, reached on the Lunar Diplomacy quest.
Nature Altar

Location: East of Tai Bwo Wannai Village, north of Shilo Village on Karamja Island.

Law Altar

Location: North-east Entrana.
Death Altar

Location: Bottom floor of the Temple of Light.

2007-05-22 20:43:14 補充:
Air 1 Rune or pure essence No 5.0 Mind 2 Rune or pure essence No 5.5 Water 5 Rune or pure essence No 6.0 Earth 9 Rune or pure essence No 6.5 Fire 14 Rune or pure essence No 7.0 Body 20 Rune or pure essence No 7.5
2007-05-22 1:35 pm
You have to complete the quest: Rune Mysiery Quest.

This is how you do it:
Go to lum castle 2nd floor and find a guy name Duke. Talk to him about quest and he will give you an air talisman. Then go to Wizard Tower and go to the basement of it. Find a wizard name Sedior(something like that). Talk to him and give him the air talisman. Next he will give you a package. Bring the package to Varrock rune shop which is near the Varrock small bank. Talk to a shop keeper(I forgot the name). Give him the package and he will give you a file. Bring that file to Sedior in Wizard Tower and you will finish the quest.

Now after you finish the quest, you can make runes. Bring a pickaxe and talk to Sedior, he will tele you to a rune ess place. Mines some rune ess and then come back out. Bring your air talisman and go south of Fala. You will see a Rune Table thingie. Use the air talis on it, you will be inside that thing. Then press the big rock in there, you will have some air runes.

As your runecrafting lvl raise, you can caft more runes. You will need different talisman to make different runes. You can fight wizards to get talisman.

Hope I can help you.
參考: me,,

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