
2007-05-22 4:57 am
昨晚,, 聽歌聽到哭了.. 寫信寫到哭了.. 諗野諗到哭了..

回答 (7)

2007-05-22 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
last night,listen to the music and cry, write the letter until cry ,thinking and thinking makes me cry, why suddeny >>>
參考: ???
2007-05-23 2:01 am
I cried at last night when I listened to the music, wrote the letter and thinking...
Why I cried easily all of a sudden?
2007-05-22 7:52 am
last night i cried when i was listening to a song..... i cried when i was
writing a letter,,,,, i cried i was thinking...........why all of a sudden i get
so tempermental?
2007-05-22 5:22 am
Last night ... I cried when listening to the music ... when writing the letters ... when thinking of ....

How come my eyes become so shallow ...?
2007-05-22 5:12 am
Last night, you listened to music and cried, wrote a letter and cried, pondered and cried.

Why did you suddenly cried easily ?
參考: An English teacher
2007-05-22 5:10 am
Last night, I cried when I was listening music, writing letter and even reflecting.
Why do I become easier to cry suddenly?
參考: myself
2007-05-22 5:00 am
Last night, 聽歌 hears to cry.. to write a letter writes cries.. toknow wildly knows to has cried.. Why suddenly changes 眼淺 gets up..?

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