
2007-05-22 3:41 am

回答 (2)

2007-05-22 3:49 am
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1772年至1795年期間, 波蘭分別為沙皇俄國、普魯士、奧地利瓜分, 被迫宣告亡國。 第一次世界大戰後波蘭才獲得獨立權,波蘭第二共和國於1918年成立,二戰期間(1938年8月)蘇聯與希特拉締結《德蘇互不侵犯條約》, 9月納粹德軍長驅入侵波蘭, 再受亡國之痛, 二戰過後, 她受蘇聯的主宰, 直至九十年代初東歐諸國倒共的風潮勝利後, 波蘭才脫離魔掌, 這個飽受欺凌的國家, 以她的國歌的名稱作為她向全世界的宣言: 波蘭沒有滅亡(Mazurek Dabrowskiego)!

1898年居里夫人以酸處理被提取了鈾的瀝青鈾礦礦渣, 并以硫化氫與該酸溶液作用時, 在硫化物沉積物中發現了一種新元素, 為了紀念她的祖國, 遂將元素命名為釙(Polonium), 詞源自於波蘭(Poland)。延陵科學綜合室同樣地有幸獲得一小片釙元素, 藉此我們按釙元素的性質之門, 進入上世紀最偉大的科學家 ~ 瑪麗.居里(Marie Curie)的探索之路。

釙(Polonium),元素符號 Po, 原子序數: 84, 放射性金屬, 已知最重的氧族元素, 天然存在的釙-210, 存在於鈾礦中, 含量為10微克/噸, 豐度為鐳的0.2%, 它為鐳的衰變的中間產物, 居里夫人曾稱之為鐳F (Radium F), 它的半衰期祗得138.39天, 1毫克釙產生α粒子的數量相當於5克鐳的劑量, 故此, 釙-210是一個相當危險的核素。

到了上世紀五十年代, 美國燧石輪胎公司(Firestone)公司有一個大膽的設計, 利用釙-210製作汽車的引火塞(火星塞), 其設計概念可能基於利用放射性的電離能使火花引發的效能更佳, 使引燃作用更為容易。釙-210的半衰期祗得138天, 自五十年代迄今, 釙的含量因自發性蛻變而耗費殆盡, 故此, 無任何跡象證明有釙成分, 有人利用蓋勒計數器發現樣本的陶瓷部分稍有異常, 但聲稱有釙成分的電極部分卻無輻射現象。

請參閱以下website !
2007-05-23 7:12 am
Radium is a chemical element, which has the symbol Ra and atomic number 88 (see the periodic table). Its appearance is almost pure white, but it readily oxidizes on exposure to air, turning black. Radium is an alkaline earth metal that is found in trace amounts in uranium ores. It is extremely radioactive. Its most stable isotope, 226Ra, has a half-life of 1602 years and decays into radon gas.

The heaviest of the alkaline earth metals, radium is intensely radioactive and resembles barium in its chemical behavior. This metal is found in minute quantities in the uranium ore pitchblende, and various other uranium minerals. Radium preparations are remarkable for maintaining themselves at a higher temperature than their surroundings, and for their radiations, which are of three kinds: alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Radium also produces neutrons when mixed with beryllium.

When freshly prepared, pure radium metal is brilliant white, but blackens when exposed to air (probably due to nitride formation). Radium is luminescent (giving a faint blue color), reacts violently with water and oil to form radium hydroxide and is slightly more volatile than barium. The normal phase of radium is a solid.

2007-05-22 23:13:37 補充:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiumthis website contain a lot of knowledge about Radium

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