
2007-05-22 2:56 am

回答 (5)

2007-05-24 4:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
34M 灣景花園←→荃灣地鐵站(循環線) 與小巴同234B巴士路線重疊
234A 浪翠園←→荃灣西站 與小巴同234B巴士路線重疊,雖行屯門公路,但只係快234B 3-4mins.
259E龍門居-→荃灣地鐵站 本路線收費便比 59M 高,但行車里數卻比 59M 短
A33 富泰←→機場(地面運輸中心) $25,但係屯門市中心搭E33只要$13

2007-05-27 20:03:30 補充:
203 又一村←→尖沙咀東(循環線)同樣服務又一村至尖沙咀的2C收費卻只是$4.00,203全程收費比起2C高75%,雖然有分段收費,但本身收貴高昂及受到地鐵競爭
2007-05-27 4:51 am
263m fu tai - tsing yi mtr stn
原因佢的行車方向與洪水橋居民的坐車習慣完全不同,人地寧願坐 68a 都晤坐佢
坐 263m 仲耐過 68a出 市區
2007-05-24 6:36 am
NWFB 27:CTB529 has already covered most of the servicing areas of 27, also 27's bus fare is much higher than 529. I think there's no need to cut 529 but 27.

NWFB 84M:The route is too long for shuttle service and the fare is too high.

NWFB N8P:CTB N8X has already covered most of the servicing areas of N8P, therefore an express route is useless.
2007-05-22 3:45 am
1.九巴84M 原因:與85C重疊
2.新巴84M 原因:與小巴44M,47M重疊
3.九巴45 原因:與九巴41,46,30重疊
4.九巴43A 原因:與九巴43,43M,31M重疊
5.九巴259E 原因:與59M重疊
6.九巴82K 原因:與九巴80K,81K,83K,88K,282,283,284重疊
2007-05-22 3:03 am
84M,We can use mini bus
參考: I live near 84M bus stop and mini bus stop

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