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2007-05-22 1:46 am
我們常常說act a force on sth. ,當中的force的意思是??

例如 : A man act a force of 500N on a car, 在這個case中, 那個man是一直用500N的force去拉/推那個car還是一次性用500N推一推那個car?

回答 (2)

2007-05-22 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
用500n ge去力拉/推那個car:一次性用500N推一推那個car

如果題目話..A man act a force of 500N on a car with constant speed,
參考: me
2007-05-23 3:53 am
Under normal circumstances, your sentence would mean a force of 500 N is exerted on the car by the man CONTINUOUSLY (the wordings of your sentence is in fact a little bit odd, it should be written as: a man exerts a force of 500 N to push/pull a car, or a car is pulled/pushed by a man with a force of 500N).
In the case that the force is exerted only on short duration, normally the [duration] at which the force acted would be stated.

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