Why Industrial Revolution is so important?(20分)

2007-05-22 1:36 am
What is the contents of Industrial Revolution?
Why Industrial Revolution is so important?
What is the effect of Industrial Revolution?
If there were no Industrial Revolution, what happen?

( At least 100 words plx!!!)

回答 (2)

2007-05-29 6:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't copy .All type by myself .
Below is my own opinion and some information from my history book:

1)The causes of industrial revolution:

-Huge labour forces
Since many big landlords enclosed their land in order to increase the pasture of sheep farming .So many small farmer lose their land as a result .They need to move to the town from village to look for jobs. So it provide a great labour force for industrail devolopment.
-Trade Devolopment
Since Britain was a port ,the mercharts could export their goods to the other countries.And they had many money fom trade.So they invest their money in setting up factories.
-Sufficient Raw Materials
Britain was rich in raw materials . They have wool that used for textile industry.they have iron which used to make machines for producing goods.They have coal that used to smelt the iron and for driving the steam-powered machines.
-Division of Labour
Poducing process was divied into many steps.Each worker just need to do a simple task.This increased the working speed and more efficient.It's also esay to make a machines to do a signle job.
-Population growth
As the trend of poplution increased a lot in britain , the demand of goods were also increses .So they must find out a new method to produce the goods more quickly.
-Technology advance
In order to meet the demand of the local market ,the factory owner want to product the goods more quickly.Because of the technological advances, the technicians can invent many modern machines .

2)Industrial revolution was so important because a great changes took place in industry ,science,technology and many other areas.It is first egan in Britian.Then it spead to the other European countries and the United States of America.

3)The effects of the industrial revolution

-The change in production method
From domestic system ------> Factory system

Advantages /Disadvantages of Domestic system:
-Farmer no need to travel to the working places as they work at home /
-It took a long time to finish making a product.

Advanges/Disadvantages of Factory system:
-Each worker works on only one part of the production.The workers can work faster and more goods were produced.they can be sold at a cheaper price.
-They will easy to get bored and easy to make mistakes since they do the same job repeatedly.

-More people lived in town so they can find jobs easily.
-Industrial Revolution created two new social classes :
Industrail -capitalist class ----- factory owners belonged to this class and they are rich
Working class-----workers and labours belonged to this class and they had a difficult life.

4) If there is no industrail revvolution ,we will not have our modern lives.In this world, there will not have many advanced machines and instrument .such the effect of industial revolution was so great and it industrialized and modernized western societies.
參考: my own opinion and some information from my history book
2007-05-22 2:40 am





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